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Anglais notion of power

Dissertation : Anglais notion of power. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  24 Février 2019  •  Dissertation  •  1 574 Mots (7 Pages)  •  616 Vues

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The power is an ability to influence and control other people, events or ressources, hence (=d'ou) some conflicts between those who own it.

This is why i choose to speak about the american culture to illustrate the notion of power, yes indeed, the usa represent for all : power, the leadership of the world, but why ? And moreover is that true ?

As far as i'm concerned i find that the usa are the perfect example of the influence of power over a country.

For all these reasons we can wonder : How power has influence the culture and the mentality of this country ?

But most of all, Which sort of means have made that the USA, are on the one hand a place of fear and on the other hand a country which inspires fear ?

Here is the paradox, and we are going to discover the reason of this one, with firstly, the gun culture in the usa,

this first aspect will be illustrate by a cartoon draw by the « cagle's group » which is about the gun 's lobby, and the influence it has over the american people. Afterwards in order to complete all the aspect of the american culture, we will see  another huge influence of this one : the media.

And here two documents will help to see diferents opinions and aspects of the media in the us, first the micheal moore movie's « bowling for columbine » and then an extract from a novel « the merchant of chaos » written by micheal connely.


Since the begining to bear a gun is a right for every american thanks to or /because of the 2nd amendement, few people would renunce to wear one, why ? Most of the american would say « it is to protect us, not to be defenceless (= sans defence), have the power to act in case of emergency ».

Before i was thinking the same way, but when you studied, you learn, see these high rates of violence in the US, you realize that this is not true.

That there is a problem, this cartoon represents very well what i didn't understand before and what all the american still don't understand, gun never brings safety.

 You can't defends yourself with violence, because violence will always brings violence, it is the way it is.

= Therefore, in this cartoon we can see, in the background, an huge man with a tee-shirt « us gun culture », he is making gun over a table shaped in the united states , then american people are waiting to buy guns from this industry, they are very glad and say « « thanks... they are making us progressive and civilised » talking about these weapons.

It represents very well the power of the american gun culture, which controls very well the state of mind of the american, they have been convinced by the propaganda of this industry, which just want you to buy, and make money, and makes you believe that you buy these weapons for your protection and the protection of your family whereas, it creates only an atmosphere of fear and confilct.

Guns like this cartoon underlights have become an object wich  = « civilised » brings peace, it is used for the safety of the americans families, and they forgot that gun, weapon, only hurt and kill.

They make easier murders, shootings on the whole violence.

But really we can't let people decide if they can kill or not an human being.

This cartoon denunces, the paradox of using violence to bring safety and peace, and this is what are doing most of the american, because of the gun's lobby wich has an huge power over the american society, with the help of association like NRA, or political parties (republican); which incite the american people to buy more and more guns, to live a peaceful life, with peaceful guns.

Eventually they have a big power over the culture and the mentality of this society.

It shows how much guns but most of all people who promote their use, have power and influence.

Indeed, we can compare the rate of death because of gun with country like Canada same size as the US, there is a big diference, in the usa there is 9 000 (=nine thousand) guns murdered per years, whereas, there is only 200 (=two hundred) murders in Canada, these numbers are very revealing, of the influence of the gun culture in the usa,

But what is surprising is that the american never link this high rate of violence with the fact that gun are allowed in this country, and so we have to wonder owing to what ? Or who ? And if guns were not the entire responsable of the violence ? Who own the real power in USA ?


One answer the media, they are the one who own power, especially in the us.

It is what michael moore, the famous filmmaker, denunces in is documentary « bowling for columbine » ? After the event of april 20th 1999 (one thousand nine hundred ninety nine) when two students at columbine school, shot to death twelve students and teacher. Like us he wonder how the united states became place of fear ?


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