Archives du BAC
43 504 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 846 - 1 860
Anglais bac
Anglais: The suffragettes : Emmeline Pankhurst (1858 - 1928) Intro : "I am here as a soldier who has temporaly left the field of battle in order to explain what civil war si like when civil war is waged by women." Emmeline Pankhurts uses the emotive words soldier, battle, war,
564 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais BAC - Synthèse Idea Of Progress
Anglais – Synthèse 1 Idea of Progress Nowadays technology is omnipresent in our lifes. But the scientists claim that technological devices can have negative aspects / consequences on users. That’s why technology can have positive and negative aspects, and we can wonder if we could live without technology ? To
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Anglais bac : idea of progress
Today, I’m going to talk about the idea of progress. For me the progress is the development of society in certain fields. Progress has existed since man exists and I think he will exist as long as man exists. There are many kinds of progress. So first of all I
587 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais bac oral form of power
Today I'm going to talk about the notion of places and forms of power. First of all, the notion of place could represent anything that holds power. Secondly, power is the ability to influence people's behavior, it can be related to law, money, media or education. For examples, the physical
944 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais Bac Oraux/dissert Attentat du 11 septembre
Why did the attacks of 9/11 change the world? The facts: On the morning of Tuesday, September 11, 2001, 2 planes hit the Twin Towers in central New York City, killing all of the plane's passengers and leaving 2977 dead. 1 other plane was thrown on the pantagon in Manhattan
322 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais Bac pro, company organisation
Company Organisation Wether they are called companies, firms or corporations, the different workplaces can also be named businesses. I. Definitions There are four main types of legal statuses in English-Speaking countries: - Private limited company=Ltd= SARL: These are companies which are not quoted on the stock market. - Public Limited
417 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais Baccalauréat pro
Londres Londres est la capitale de l'Angleterre La Grande-Bretagne dirigée par la reine Elizabeth. Tamize - la rivière sur laquelle cette ville se dresse. Les Britanniques aiment beaucoup le thé au lait. En Angleterre il y a une tradition Five O'Clock Tea boire du thé à cinq heures. Flocons d'avoine
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Anglais BTS
Devoir anglais 1 Partie 1 : compte rendu écrit en français : Sherry Lawson écrit un courriel dans lequel elle explique les problèmes qu’elle a rencontré lors de son voyage. Elle raconte que lors de son changement d’avion à Athène, elle a du attendre 3 jours avant d’avoir ses bagages.
470 Mots / 2 Pages -
ANGLAIS BTS BLANC Charly DESCHAMPS Début 10h fin 11h40 THE ONLINE SHOPPING BOOM IN THE UK I – COMPREHENSION Les achats en ligne ont fortement augmenté juste avant Noël 2007, un cadeau sur quatre acheté sur Internet. Les consommateurs ont dépensé 4,98 milliards £ en ligne dix semaines avant le
350 Mots / 2 Pages -
Traduction de red bull’s billionaire maniac Peu connu en dehors de son Autriche natale, Dietrich Mateschitz est l'un des entrepreneurs les plus prospères de notre époque, un homme qui a changé à lui seul le paysage de l'industrie des boissons en créant non seulement une nouvelle marque, mais toute une
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BIGET Emeric Expression Personnelle Le 23/09/2015 Anglais The creation of the internet has greatly improved the world. We can wonder whether the Internet will be more efficient to search a job. Firstly, online recruitment has many advantages. Indeed, looking for a job on the web is less complicated because there
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Anglais bullying
Correction of the writing test Mia Holmes is a girl,Mia Holmes who is Mysterious,smart… She has black hair and green eyes.She is 26 years old.Mia Holmes likes dangerous sport,dancing...She as her boyfriend,her name is Tyler.He as F.B.I agent the enemie of Mia is a Doctor of horror.This is a crazy
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Anglais Campagne Sensibilization
ANGLAIS I choose to show an awareness campaign about oceans pollution. Because this subject concerns all of us. “You can’t stop the waves but you can do something against this!” I wrote this slogan to convince you that is possible to fight against the pollution. The waves are an element
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Anglais cas
Le premier document est un texte qui a pour problématique ‘Les réseaux en ligne, pour le meilleur ou pour le pire?”. L’auteur commence par évoquer les réseau sociaux les plus utiliser et donne les statistiques concernant leur fréquentation. On apprends alors qu’il sont utilisés par des personnes de toutes les
470 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais Civilisation "a house divided"
CIVI 1: The BLACKS in the USA A HOUSE DIVIDED “ All men are created equal “. The words of the Declaration of Independence were meaningless for the 4 million American Blacks held as (= considered as) slaves. Slavery had already been abolished in England and in France. In 1808
712 Mots / 3 Pages