Archives du BAC
43 507 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 1 816 - 1 830
Anglais - Plastic Surgery
Anglais Micka: Hello everyone, I am Mickael Nabet. Nowadays, numerous women and men turn to the plastic surgery to modify parts of their bodies of which they are ashamed. They feel had complexes and put aside by the society because of their physical forms. But the question is the following
710 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais -Terminal 2016 - Spaces and Exchanges
SPACES AND EXCHANGES I’m going to talk about the notion of spaces and exchanges. First of all I would like to give a deffinition of spaces : an interval of distance or time between two point, objet or event. Secondly, Exchange : the acte of exchanging (Migration :People migrate for
358 Mots / 2 Pages -
ANGLAIS Communication/ Communication Space and time context : Contexte spatio temporel Catcher : Your catcher is more aggressive than appealing. Accroche : Votre accroche agresse plus qu'elle n'interpelle le client. Behavior : He seems to have a strange behavior in my presence. Attitude : Il a une attitude étrange à
351 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais 1ère - Écriture d'invention en anglais 1ère
ENGLISH - 1ère The road began to sink. We could no longer see the fences on the sides, but just rocks. And suddenly the cars stopped in front of an enormous metal door surrounded by concrete. Enormous blocks of concrete. David had visited ancient fortifications of the Maginot line, but
486 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais : Australia
Australia is a large country of 7,692 million km2 which comprises 7 regions: western australia, northern territory, queensland, south australia, new south wales, victoria, and tasmania. In this very tourist country of 24 481 527 inhabitant, only 3% Are aborigines.In this report we will discuss the stakes of tourism in
362 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais : climate change
As climate change takes its toll, warm winter and unreliable snow are now the new reality. But that's not the worst, the increase in climate refugees is starting to become a real problem. So today we will study an article untitled 3 tribes dealing with the toll of climate change
1 409 Mots / 6 Pages -
Anglais : cours de grammaire
1er semestre Cours Magistraux - Page sur Anglais Grammaire Livres à avoir : Grammaire : La Grammaire pratique de l’anglais - Berland La Grammaire appliquée de l’anglais - F Ozeé Vocabulaire : The big picture, Elllipses Premier semestre : groupe nominal Deuxième semestre : groupe verbal Thème 1 : Le
8 750 Mots / 35 Pages -
Anglais : faire une pétition
Jeep has to change the name off his 4x4 to honour the native american tribe The chief of the Cherokee nation, Chuck Hoskins Jr., asked the Jeep company to change the name of their car, which actually is Cherokee. It is important remember here that Cherokee is a Native American
508 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais : Give arguments for legalising human cloning.
Anglais : Give arguments for legalising human cloning. So I’m going to present you my exposé about human cloning. So first, what’s human cloning? Cloning is a genetic manipulation which makes possible the transfer of genes from one cell to another. This provides identical living cells from a single cell.
767 Mots / 4 Pages -
Anglais : handball
Béringer Areo Good afternoon everyone My name is Thomas and its is esteban Our objective today is to present handball We take this because we both play handball Firstly i will present to you this sport Secondly esteban are going to talk about the rules to this sport And finaly,
390 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais : hidden figures
Hidden Figures NYC Hidden Figures Advanced Screening - Rattles & Heels Shadow Figures is an American biographical drama co-written, co-produced and directed by Theodore Melfi, released in 2016 It is an adaptation of the book entitled Hidden Figures by Margot Lee Shetterly featuring African-American calculators Katherine Johnson, Dorothy Vaughan and
449 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais : India
Although India has been an independent country for seventy years, this has not been enough to eradicate at least a large part of the actions that affect the women of this country. These issues come from a really long time ago, where women were considered a charge to her family,
492 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais : India's Soft Power
Tom Laurent English Final Task TS3 Enoa Berthélémé Indian Soft Power ? Subject : You are writing a novel set in India. Write a scene in which the narrator (a foreigner) has a direct experience with Indian culture that alters (=changes) his/her perception of this country. Ash Jr White is
649 Mots / 3 Pages -
Anglais : interviez about Vimy Ridge
JOURNALIST. Hello Penny, how is it going at Vimy Ridge ? PENNY. Everything is ok, the sun is shining. People from all walks of life come by the thousands, to say thank you and to remember. They gather under the soaring pillars of the Canadian National Vimy Memorial to mark
317 Mots / 2 Pages -
Anglais : le comparatif et le superlatif
Adjectives : Comparatives + Superlatives : Superlatif : Le ou la + grande du monde Adjectif court “big” et Adjectif long “expensive” Big : Bigger than … The biggest (not) as big as = est aussi grosse que la tienne Expensive : is more/less expensive than The most expensive (not)
251 Mots / 2 Pages