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Anglais : India

Cours : Anglais : India. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  4 Décembre 2017  •  Cours  •  492 Mots (2 Pages)  •  765 Vues

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Although India has been an independent country for seventy years, this has not been enough to eradicate at least a large part of the actions that affect the women of this country.

These issues come from a really long time ago, where women were considered a charge to her family, because she would only represent economic expenses and would only serve for housework like clean cooking etc;

then went the parents decided she was old enough for mariage, they would pick the husband and the family would have to give a dowry for the girl to be accepted by the husband and his family,

if widowed she was the property of the groom's family, she was also forced to sacrifice herself in the fire along with the dead husband. they were sent to exile to places in horrible conditions or to live of begging and alms. For women in India it is not easy life since they are conceived if the mother knows that they are females are at risk of being aborted, if they are born they may sacrifice them, if they survive they are marginalized with respect to males, in education, food and health. the priority is totally given to the males. The marriages of the women are arranged from an early age at the convenience of the groom's family. Women are valued and respected and valued while they are with their husbands. Today, as we said at the beginning, these machitas' customs have changed in some places in India, especially in large cities, but in rural areas they follow the same traditions. great percentages, despite the fact that the legislature of different laws recognize the equal rights of both sexes. The Indian constitution enacts non-discrimination of gender, allows the state to protect equality for women and girls, ensure the same rights to men and women eat an equal wage. In spite of all these laws, customs are still practiced against them, now marriages are made with dowries (cause of death due to lack of payments), girls' abortions continue (payment of bribes to reveal sex). Many female infanticide cases first days of life. Extreme poverty, illiteracy, pushes these women to illegal trafficking and prostitution. The women who work and produce do not have economic independence, they must give their husbands the benefits for it to administer them. The constitution reserves hierarchical positions for women in different local administrations but the application of the measure is far from the reality since it is not fulfilled. The status of women has progressed, but very little, many of those bad macho customs are still practiced in the present, in big cities like Delhi or Mumbay there are some changes and divorce is allowed in some couples, there are many professional women, in politics (10% in parliament) in the armed forces, there are unsettled marriages (without dowry)

The contradictions are based on the lack of policy to apply the laws that already exist.


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