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Exposé anglais India - 2nde

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EXPOSé india

India is a huge, thousand-year-old empire, full in history and today the most populous country in the world. I will try to show you the main features during this presentation, namely its history, its geography, its powerful economy, and then the cultural side of the country, through the religions and the several traditions. Finally, we will see many funfacts and the mains monuments of the country.

First of all, let's talk about its history


The first traces of humans in India date back to 2 millennia BC. However, I will skip the period of antiquity and the Middle Ages and talk mainly about the colonial period and India's independence.

After an occupation by the Muslims that lasted 800 years, the French India Company arrived in India in the 1650's. They set up trading posts in several important cities of the country such as Surat in 1668, Pondichery in 1673, Chandernagor in 1686 and Mahé in 1721. France thus traded with the Orient for a century. However, in 1756, the Seven Years' War began: it gradually lost all its trading posts in India to the English invaders, who asserted themselves as the next masters of the country. At the end of 1763, France had only 5 trading posts in India.

The British Empire then set up for a century. Unfortunately, at the end of the First World War, several strikes and demonstrations take place: the Indians are fed up with the British occupation. It was finally at the end of the Second World War, in 1947, that the Indians obtained their independence, notably with the Ghandi movement.

The new Indian government then organised itself, separating itself from the territory of present-day Pakistan. Today, the government of India is a federal republic that has adopted an English-style parliamentary government.

Let's now look at the geography of this country


With its 3.2 billion square kilometres, India is the 7th largest country in the world. It is home to several climates, favouring the monsoon, and several mountain ranges such as the Himalayas. Deserts, plains and high plateaus are present in the country. Finally, it is surrounded by the Indian Ocean, in which it trades.

I will now give you some numbers about India's economy

  1. Economy

India is considered the 5th largest economy in the world. With a GDP of $3530 billion, it is considered a major world power. Unfortunately, India, during the colonial period, despite its trade, suffered from increasing poverty. And this poverty has not disappeared: to give you an example, in 2013, 630 million people are affected by a mass poverty, 55 %. It is partly because of this growing poverty that the disparity between different social castes has grown. Even if the authorities manage to reduce this poverty year by year, the huge slums of Mumbai, Calcutta and Bombay will never disappear completely.

As the world's fourth largest agricultural producer, India's economy is based on extensive agriculture and a powerful trade in diamonds, petroleum and rice. Similarly, industry represents 1/4 of the jobs. This agriculture is based on cereal production, and rice production: in 2005, India is the 2nd largest rice producer with a production of 128 million tons. Mumbai is the economic capital of the country, with a business district called Bandra Kurla Complex

Finally, domesticity is still very present: more than 20 million women are employed as housekeepers or as nurse


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