Anglais : climate change
Synthèse : Anglais : climate change. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar DouDou380001 • 17 Janvier 2023 • Synthèse • 1 409 Mots (6 Pages) • 377 Vues
As climate change takes its toll, warm winter and unreliable snow are now the new reality. But that's not the worst, the increase in climate refugees is starting to become a real problem. So today we will study an article untitled 3 tribes dealing with the toll of climate change get $75 million to relocate. This article from NPR published on December 2022 focuses on 3 tribes receiving US aids to be able to survive climate change.
this article depicts why the Biden administration will give three Native tribes $75 million to move away from coastal areas or rivers. The project, funded by the Interior Department, is an acknowledgment that a growing number of places around the United States can no longer be protected against changes brought by a warming planet.
Indeed the document emphasizes the extent to which they are exposed to the risks of hazards whether it be typhon, tsunamis, or even rising sea levels.
It is becoming more and more dangerous and the US is in a hurry to react before it’s too late.
The three communities — two in Alaska, and one in Washington State — will each get $25 million to move their key buildings onto higher ground and away from rising waters, with the expectation that homes will follow. The federal government will give eight more tribes $5 million each to plan for relocation.
The spending is meant to create a blueprint for the federal government to help other communities, Native as well as nontribal, move away from vulnerable areas.
the document also highlights the high costs necessary for this relocation, we are talking about more than 25 million dollars necessary especially to move houses, build schools, or even dams.
In this article, for me the sentence : “Funding has been a major obstacle in getting this done” is a key one and it deserves to be commented upon at some length, all more as it raises the following question : Why Financing Responses to Climate Migration Remains a Challenge
The Paris Agreement is a legally binding international treaty on climate change.
One way to think about the paris climate agreement is as a statement of mutual responsibility. Countries that are party to the international treaty forged in 2015, all agreed to make plans to limit greenhouse gas emissions and shift towards low carbon economies. But not every country in the world can put those plans into actions and that’s where climate finance comes in.
As part of the Paris climate agreement lower income and higher income countries essentially struck a bargain. Lower income countries agreed to find development pathways that could be consistent with global goals of limiting warming to 1.5 to 2 degrees celsius
and it is really important for lower income countries to also do the same indeed for for wealthy economies you know this is clearly an opportunity to accelerate a transition that has begun many years ago but we have to remember that the lion's share of future climate-related investments will actually not be in the developed countries but in emerging market and low-income countries will have their share as they require significant investments in their transition to a middle income status and that of course is linked to urbanization to infrastructure to investments in industries and food supply chains and it so happens that many low-income countries unfortunately are also particularly vulnerable to the impact of climate change indeed As you’ve just seen The finance aims to build the resilience of populations most affected by climate change and help them to adapt to changing climatic conditions, measures which in turn will help to reduce warming.
But also The finance exists and so do the solutions, to transition to what the UN calls a green economy. Renewable energy which provides electricity without producing carbon dioxide or other forms of air pollution is a crucial building block for powering sustainable economic growth. so climate investments are very important for shared prosperity now in fact many climate smart technologies are aiming particularly at helping underserved families and communities so for example i mentioned solar power earlier right r power has helped 400 million people that did not have access to electricity or were hard to reach by the traditional