Anglais Bac pro, company organisation
Cours : Anglais Bac pro, company organisation. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Chomeurdu38 • 30 Mai 2017 • Cours • 417 Mots (2 Pages) • 858 Vues
Company Organisation
Wether they are called companies, firms or corporations, the different workplaces can also be named businesses.
I. Definitions
There are four main types of legal statuses in English-Speaking countries:
- Private limited company=Ltd= SARL: These are companies which are not quoted on the stock market.
- Public Limited company=PLC=SA: which is a firm that is quoted on the stock market.
- Partnership= they are run by several persons.
- Single proprietorship=entreprise en nom propre: this type of firm is run by one an only persons.
This person can work alone or with employees.
II. Organisation
Independently from its size, a business is organised in department or services, that perform specific tasks for the managment of the firm.
The major names of departments are:
- The Accounting/Accounts--> comptabilité: they deal withe the budget of the company.
- The Human Resources/HR: they are in charge of the managment of the staff.
- The purchases--> les Achats: They are responsible of buying the supplies.
Which are necessary to have the firm operate properly.
- The sales--> le services commercial: They are in change of the marketing strategy (advertizing, promoting...).
- The Laws--> le services juridique: they deal with the regulations related to the company industry.
- The After-Sales--> They deal with the customers/clients once they have bought the Company’s good on service.
The staff is organised in hierarchical levels which affear in an organisation chart. This document highlights the connections between the staff membersn and shours who is supervisor to whom.
III. How to succeed?
Offering good-quality products or services is crucial. Yet an efficient marketing strategy is also essential.
Clear managment technics as well as innovative know-how are key to succes either.
Many companies have a workers council. It negociates the perks and benefits for the staff and their families. The other role of the workers council is to take the staff defence in case of conflicts with the board of direction.
IV. Company problems
Despite all the assets, a firm can experience various potential problems.
Internal problems
- Poor managment: the staff and the board don’t consider the opetating of the company the same way.
- Firmancial problems: the budget of the company is not efficiently dealt with, and the firm may face losses.
- Social unrest: when the staff clains for specific actions and the board disagrees. This situation can lead to a strike.
- Faulty products: they can damage the brand image if they are too numerous on the market.
- An ill-adapted strategy is a hurdle for firms that try to set up in a foreign market.