Anglais Bac Pro dissertations et mémoires
5 847 Anglais Bac Pro dissertations gratuites 1 - 25 (affichage des premiers 1 000 résultats)
Theme Anglais Bac Pro Oral
Game of Thrones is an American epic fantasy television drama series created for HBO by David Benioff and D. B. Weiss. It is an adaptation of A Song of Ice and Fire, George R. R. Martin's series of fantasy novels, the first of which is titled A Game of Thrones. The series roughly follows the multiple storylines of the A Song of Ice and Fire series. Set in the fictional Seven Kingdoms of Westeros, Game
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P. Diddy Theme Anglais BAC PRO
Sean John Combs, known under the name P. Diddy is a rapper, actor, dancer, businessman and music producer. He was born September 4, 1960 in Manhattan, NewYork. His mother was models for him, while his father was a drug dealer. After receiving his degree at Howard University in Washington, he joined the production ‘’Uptown Entertainment ‘’. In 1993, he created his own label called “Bad Boy Records". He discovered the group Jodeci, Mary J. Blige,
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Sujet Oral Anglais Bac Pro
The city of New York. I’m going to present you my subject for the high school diploma on the city of New York. New York is the main city of the United States, in front of Los Angeles and Chicago. She is situated on the American East coast, in the State of New York. The urban area approaches the 20 million inhabitants. The city in account a little more than 8 millions, distributed in five
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Sujet Anglais Bac Pro
I will talk about a film. It's title is INVICTUS and it was directed by Clint EASTWOOD. It was released in 2009 (two thousand nine) The genre is a historic drama. I saw it subtitled in the cinema with my class. The main actors were first Morgan FREEMAN and then Matt DAMON. The film takes place in South Africa during the election of Nelson MANDELA. In 1994 (nineteen ninety-four), the election of Nelson MANDELA ends
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Theme Anglais Bac Pro
About 40% of expatriates fall into failure upon working in a new country. However, this is not due to incompetence in the workplace skills or tasks, but rather due to inability to adapt to the foreign culture. That being said, the need for expatriate preparation is extremely high.[23] The following is information on how to do so, as preparation is necessary for success as an expatriate. There are 6 basic steps to becoming an expatriate.
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Thé Me Anglais Bac Pro
Théme 1 l’écosse The Rangers Football Club, called "Glasgow Rangers" is a Scottish football club. The club was founded in March 1872(thousand eight hundred and seventy two) when four young Scottish carpenter's son decided to create their own club football. The official creation of the club took place the following year in 1873. It will soon become one of the important features of a Scottish football still young forces. . this team nickname Les Gers,
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Rapport Stage Anglais Bac Pro Eleec
Année 2013/ 2014 NOM : Prénom : Section : Page de garde Titre de l’épreuve et année (en haut, centré) Nom et photo de l’entreprise (au milieu, centré) Votre nom et prénom, section (en bas à droite) Remerciements Remerciements des personnes et professionnels vous ayant aider. Introduction Présenter l’entreprise : • Identification : nom, localisation géographique, secteur d’activité, statut, effectifs (nombre de CDI, CDD, Intérim), • Description des activités de l’entreprise, - contraintes, atouts, perspectives...
1 046 Mots / 5 Pages -
Thème Anglais Bac Pro
My name’s. i’m 35 and i live in trèbes. trèbes is a city 6 km for from carcassonne. I haven’t got any childrens, and i live with my mother and my father. I’m single. I’m a student of contunuing vocational training of greta from carcassonne and i m preparing my BTEC national bac pro of secretary because i’m unemployed.i used to work in catering industrie don’t want work in the sector any longer because i
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Oral anglais bac pro secretariat
INTRODUCTION After working a long time in restaurants, I decided to change my activity. That’s why I stood as an independent candidate at the BEP of secretary, which I have passed. Then, I wanted to continue and I have started a training through the XX and my company “XX” to take my baccalaureate of secretary. HOW I FOUND THIS PROFESSIONAL ACTIVITY By the way of my grandparents’ friends, I heard that a company was looking
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Oral Anglais Bac Pro
A Coldplay concert Présentation of the group I am going to present you a music group which i like , It is coldplay . I decide to present the english pop music . The first part of my presentation is the history of the group , first the group Coldplay is a british rock group and it is formed at London in 1996 by the singer Chris martin and the guitarist Jon Buckland and 2
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Dossier Anglais Bac Pro: la route de Guantanamo (document en anglais)
I. Identification of documentary The road to Guantanamo is a documentary British that talks of the prison in Guantanamo, Cuba. It has been realized by Michael Winterbottom and Mat Whitecross, in 2006. It tells the true story of four young British who were detained for two years at Guantanamo by the American military. Shafiq, Ruhel, Asif, and Monir traveled to Pakistan to take part in Asif's wedding. Once in Pakistan, they attend a mosque, where
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Fiche Aide Pour Le Dossier Anglais Bac Pro Commerce
Dossier E11 B. Auchère Terminale Bac Pro Commerce 1 Coefficient 4 Les élèves effectuent une animation en magasin durant leur premier stage de terminale. A leur retour au lycée ils travaillent sur leur dossier d’animation lequel sera suivi d’une soutenance laquelle est obligatoirement accompagnée d’un Powerpoint. DOSSIER D’ANIMATION Terminale Bac Pro Commerce E11 Dossier E11 B. Auchère Terminale Bac Pro Commerce 2 La page de garde Nom Prénom Titre de l’animation (Attention, choisissez un titre
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Rapport De Stage Anglais (bac Pro)
My name is [....] and I am a 18 years old student. Currently, I am in the last year of my BTEC National Diploma in microtechnology and for which I had to do an internship from November 3rd to 29th , The company is called "E.F.S." and is located in Montagny, they mostly do pieces for prototype and such, but they also do a lot more, sadly, I don't exactly know what are the firm's
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Oral Anglais Bac Pro
I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. Iwould like to give a quick definition of that notion. Briefly, a myth is a legend telling a story, a well-know tale that everybody knows about great monsters or heroes, based on real or unreal stories wich happened in the past. Then, a hero can be imaginary heroes endowed with superpowers, in charge of saving the planet and the people in danger or real
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Thème 3 Anglais Bac Pro Vente
Justin Drew bieber Justin Drew Bieber was born on march 1rst 1994 in London, Ontario, Canada. His mom is Pattie Mallette and his father is Jeremy jack Bieber, they split when he was 10 months. He grew up in Stratford with her mom and his grand parent, Bruce and Diane Dale and with Sammy, his little dog who died in January 2015. Justin wasn’t very interested in music, he wanted to be a hockey player
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Texte Anglais Bac Pro Commerce
11 Septembre 2001 I'm going to speak about the highjacks, their targets and of the repercussions. The highjacks began on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 at 8:19 am with the highjack of the flight 11 of American Airlines with five terrorists of whom Mohammed Atta. All in all, 4 airliners will be hijacked by 19 terrorists to be crashed against highly symbolic buildings of the United States. Only one of the flights will not reach
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Thémes anglais bac pro
JOAQUIM BATISTA TSEN DOSSIER BACCALAUREAT ANGLAIS STAGE MAIRIE I will present to you a file of my internship So that's how I'm going to present my file - I'll start with the presentation of the city - Present the computer service of the Town Hall - Then present the major field in which I worked during my internship - And ended with my feeling for this one My internship occurred in the informatics service of
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Ccf anglais bac pro arthur guinness
Biographie d’Arthur Guinness Arthur Guinness - Domaine Public Arthur Guinness (1725-1803) is an Irishman who was the origin of the Guinness brewery. Brilliant businessman, and considered as the largest brewer of Ireland, he was during his life at the head of a financial empire that still continues today, and which profoundly affected the Irish culture and the Irish national identity . Born on September 24 th, 1725 in Celbridge Ireland Arthur Guinness saw his childhood
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Fiche anglais bac pro commerce
La bandera espanola En este tema voy a hablar de la bandera de España y de describir. La adopción de la nueva bandera acontecio el diecinueve de diciembre de mil novecientos ochenta y uno. Esta fue constituida por la Constitución española de tres franjas horizontales dos bandas rojas aniba y abajo, y una franja central amarilla. Esta es dos veces más gruesa que las bandas rojas. En la franja amarilla se puede ver el escudo
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Oral d'anglais bac pro
Men In Black I’m going to talk about how does the movies shows that the USA believe they are the powerful states in the world. And for explain that we use the movie Men In Black. First part the poster of the movie : Firstly in the first plan we can see 2 men, they have a futurist guns in their hands. They both a suit with sun glasses. When we see this men on
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• My name is solena marzullo . I am seventeen years old. I am at the high school Virginia Henderson of Arnouvilles . I am bachelor professional management administration in alternation. I work on the DSDEN of ninety five one every two weeks. • For my CCF I decided to present you Jacqueline Kennedy , the wife of thirty the fifth president of the United States of America John Fitzgerald Kennedy. • First of
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Anglais Bac pro, company organisation
Company Organisation Wether they are called companies, firms or corporations, the different workplaces can also be named businesses. I. Definitions There are four main types of legal statuses in English-Speaking countries: - Private limited company=Ltd= SARL: These are companies which are not quoted on the stock market. - Public Limited company=PLC=SA: which is a firm that is quoted on the stock market. - Partnership= they are run by several persons. - Single proprietorship=entreprise en nom
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Theme anglais bac pro
Cypress Hill is a Latin American hip-hop band, originally from Los Angeles, California. The first Latin-American group to be certified by the RIAA for more than 18 million albums worldwide, its members are considered the pioneers and main leaders of rap West Coast and hip- hop in the early 1990s, congratulated for their first three albums The group is also known to defend the medical and recreational use of cannabis in the United States Cypress
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Oral anglais bac-pro Rosa Parks
ROSA PARKS Today, we are going to tell the history of Rosa Parks. She was born in 1913 in Tuskegee, Alabama. She attended the local schools until she was 11 years old. Then she left high school early,to take care of her sick grandmother, then to care for her mother as well. In 1932 Rosa married Raymond Parks who was a barber. Together, they worked for the local(lôcol) group of the National Association for the
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Attentat 11 Septembre théme oral anglais bac pro
I divided my presentation into three parts. First I will explain the course of this terrorist attack Secondly I will give you the consequences of this attack for the United States To conclude, I will end up giving my opinion September 11, 2001 the United States is for the second time attacked on their own territory. This attack is the largest attack ever perpetrated in history, strike the international business center: the twin towers of
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