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Texte Anglais Bac Pro Commerce

Dissertation : Texte Anglais Bac Pro Commerce. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  9 Septembre 2015  •  Dissertation  •  310 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 108 Vues

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11 Septembre 2001

I'm going to speak about the highjacks, their targets and of the repercussions.

The highjacks began on Tuesday, September 11th, 2001 at 8:19 am with the highjack of the flight 11 of American Airlines with five terrorists of whom Mohammed Atta. All in all, 4 airliners will be hijacked by 19 terrorists to be crashed against highly symbolic buildings of the United States. Only one of the flights will not reach his target.

Two flights struck Twin Towers respectively at 8:46 am and at 9:03 am. They were situated to the World Trade Center, a complex was consisted of seven business buildings situated on the island from Manhattan to New York. The towers had each 110 ( One hundred and ten ) floors where approximately 50 000 ( Fifty thousand) people worked, they welcomed 40 000 ( Forty thousand ) visitors every day. In the morning of attacks 17 400 ( Seventeen thousand and four hundred) people were in them towers.

The third flight struck the Pentagon at 9:37 am. The Pentagon is the building of the headquarters of the Department of the Defense of the United States. Approximately 26 000 servicemen and civilians work on it. The Department of the Defense is loaded of the coordination of all the armed forces of the United States.

The fourth flight, hijacked by 4 terrorists, crashed at 10:03 am near of Pittsburgh in Pennsylvania. He went to the federal capital Washington DC where are many federal buildings like the White House and the Capitol of the United States.

September 11 attacks, made 2977 ( Two thousand and nine hundred seventy seven victims, but also other victims who inhaled dusts of the collapse, in charge of asbestos, metals, concrete particles, which damaged the lungs of the New Yorker. And they also affected the Americans for ever.


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