Thémes anglais bac pro
Discours : Thémes anglais bac pro. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertationsPar Joaquim Batista • 4 Novembre 2015 • Discours • 565 Mots (3 Pages) • 2 268 Vues
I will present to you a file of my internship
So that's how I'm going to present my file
- I'll start with the presentation of the city
- Present the computer service of the Town Hall
- Then present the major field in which I worked during my internship
- And ended with my feeling for this one
My internship occurred in the informatics service of the municipality of Martigues
The City Hall is made of numerous services spread over 16 departments. The computer service of the City of Martigues depends on the CAPM (Agglomeration Community of Country of Martigues).
I did my internship from January 12 to February 20, 2015 so 6 weeks. During my internship I have worked on installation and computer configurations well as deployment in the services of the Town Hall
To summarize what I did, I have install software with has that folder. Software could be trade or standards following the request of the person who has the computer and changed
I worked also on the migration data of the old computer of the user to the new device we will deploy later
To complete the deployment, during the installation of the new computer tower, it recovers the old tower and the keyboard and mouse to replace them with new
Through this internship I learned new things and Technical computing and networks. I want to thank the whole team of the service have given me for counseling and their confidence allowing me to work independently
thank you for listening
I will present my file about alcohol
so that's how I will present the file
-I will start by explaining "what alcohol?"
-then tell you dependance acquired in consequence
-you say one of the effects of alcohol on the body
-Which are the reasons
- And end with a conclusion
Alcoholism is a chronic, often progressive disease that has trouble controlling our alcohol consumption even if it causes problems. Drink more to get the same effect (physical dependence) or have withdrawal symptoms when you reduce or stop drinking soon
the alcohol dependence develops when one drinks alcohol as chemical changes in the brain occur. These changes emphasize the pleasurable feelings that result when digesting alcohol. Alcoholism usually develops gradually over time
According to many, alcohol is very calorie beverage and its consumption can cause weight gain. However, most drinkers are unaware that it is necessary to limit other calorie intake. Alcohol consumption and promotes fat accumulation, mainly in the abdominal region, often the case with big beer drinkers
Factors may place us at greater risk of developing the urge to drink.
It may also be a risk for alcoholism if you are:
• in party with friends
• have a low self-esteem
• we live is painful moment to bury it in alcohol
• live in a family where alcohol consumption is common