- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC


Rapport de stage : Anglais BTS STAGE. Recherche parmi 300 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Janvier 2016  •  Rapport de stage  •  296 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 641 Vues

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        The creation of the internet has greatly improved the world. We can wonder whether the Internet will be more efficient to search a job.

        Firstly, online recruitment has many advantages. Indeed, looking for a job on the web is  less complicated because there are many job offers and opportunities are numerous. However, to my mind, both methods are efficient. Since I get on well with my internship tutor, I will first ask him whether he has a job for me, or whether he knows someone who does. If it does not work, I will then try to find a job offer on the internet. If the job offer is situated nearby, I would rather go on site because it shows the motivation and it allows one to talk directly with the person in charge of recruitment. Nevertheless, If I can’t go there, I will send my application (Resume and cover letter) by e-mail.

        Furthermore, I could registrer on LinkedIn to get contact with a significant number of  professionals. It would allow me to upload my resume and cover letter and enlarge my geographic criteria. Thus, I would be able to get in touch with a potential recruiter and a potential recruiter might find me thanks to this website and find my profile interesting. So, when I’m seeking a job, I will probably use both methods.



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