Anglais oral
Fiche de lecture : Anglais oral. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar cha1310 • 19 Novembre 2017 • Fiche de lecture • 671 Mots (3 Pages) • 899 Vues
Father, wear a toast with his glass: Here we are now, around this table to celebrate chrisma’s day, and I’m thanking God every day for giving me a wife, and a wonderful daughter. And now let’s leave to celebration!
(The family is sitting around the table, they are all looking to one another, Annah looks like she’s keeping a secret)
Annah: Mother, Father, I’m in a relationship since 6 months and we planned to get married…
Louisa, with a touch of humour: This is so romantic! Let’s leave a toast!
(The mother and the father have to look very interrogated and surprised)
Mother: Hum…Annah darling, yoou know that it is an important decision, we do believe that you’re going in the right way… but we don’t know him… first, what’s his name? How is he?
Annah: He’s very tall, sooo smart, very athletic, from a respectable family…
Louisa: Come on Annah, tell them!
Father, interrupting: What’s happening here?
Annah: Well… his name is Adama Homaley
( Le père et la mère se lancent un regard)
La mère: Is he Christian?
Annah, esquissant un grand sourire: Yes, he is! His mother is singing in a Cathedral, she’s in a gospel…
Father: Is he working, is he well paid?
Annah: hum… he’s working in a …
Louisa, still sarcastic: Oh! Dear brother, stop playing, she’s just trying to say that he’s black!
Mother, faisant le signe de croix: Oh! For god sick!
Dad, furious: Jesus Christ have you lost your mind Annah?
Annah: I’m sorry he didn’t choose to be black, he was just born like that! Stop being selfish, and over all, Californian laws agree with interacial marriage!
Dad: Maybe it’s allowed, but family laws are not, but it is still considerate as a shame for the family, don’t you understand that we have to protect our reputation?
Louisa: Which one?
(Le père jette un regard froid à sa sœur)
Louisa : Oh! Come on Johnny, stop living in the old days, segragation is over, why don’t you evolve with her generation !
Mother: Do not encourage her, it didn’t change in people mind, whites still consider black people as servants and as sub-species. Can’t you understand that your life is in danger when you assume it in public? You want to finish hang in a tree like in Mississippi?
Annah: Mother, it really changed, since 1960, racial segregation is prohibit in public transports.
Father: Over this, it’s only a law to give hope to black people, an calm tensions which are still growing.
Louisa: But can’t you see Annah your Father and Mother saw 4 black young students being tortured, in a bar of North Carolina, only because they were making a sit-in… Your parents are just freak out.
Mother: Stop it please! Annah it’s not a joke it could have huge repercussions on your father’s job and our social life!
Annah: Stop treating me like a child! You always wanted me to get married, world is changing… I’m ashamed to feel like I’m in a racist family, we have to show the exemple…