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Anglais Oral: Lieux Et Forme De Pouvoirs

Compte Rendu : Anglais Oral: Lieux Et Forme De Pouvoirs. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Mars 2014  •  445 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 138 Vues

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"India is an emergent country (his GDP pass from 7 to 8,5%), which its economie and population increase we can ask us this question :

Indian citizen are all egal? To answer this problematique, we can suggest this plan : innequalities among citizens and innequalities among and women.

I Innegalitie among citizen

A cast

Cast in india develloped more than 3000 years ago, when the hindu priest divide the society into 4 great hereditary social class. There is Brahmman that is to say priest and learned class moreover, the superious class. After there is kshtriyas,the warrior and rulers. After there is Vaisas (farmers and merchants)and finaly Sundras the peasants and labourer. There is an outcaste called the untouchables (Dalits),who are not considered part of human society.They perform mainly the most menial and degrading jobs. No one can change the cast in which he is born and people of different cast have no right to be married between them.

B Gap Betweenn rich and poor

India is a contrasted country: On a one side, there are 69 billionair, and on the other side 2/thirds of the population live below the 2bdollar a day poverty line and more than half of then,over 400 million people survive on less than 1 dollars a day .In india, there a no middle classe and peoples are often very poor or very rich.

II inequalities among men and weemen

A/ dowry

The dowry tradition consist in a gift from the bride's family to the husband's family To grant a raised dowry to his daughter allows to marry her to a more powerful family and so to obtain a social ascention, but few poor family can do this. If after the marriage the wooman's family doesnt keep its promise is the bride is subject to torture, and sometimes, even killed. This tradition make that have a girl is very expansive and deprive of his own dowry.

B/ Gendercide

Moreover the government in set up a politics of birth control. But in India, especially for the poor people, it is sometimes dramatic to have no boy. The birth of a girl is often bad perceived in these population, what entails a persecution of most of her.

The dowry tradition in India urges to eliminate selectively girl at birth, this practice is called gendercide. In India 50 million girls disappeared in 3 generation (600 000 a years). In 2011, India counted only 940 girls for 1000 boys.


To answer the problematique, we can say that all citizen are not in a equall footing in modern day india because There are disparities between the various castes of the society, and within a caste, the disparities between men and women are very marked."


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