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Oral de bac anglais: seats and forms of power: for what reason someone has to use power on another one?

Discours : Oral de bac anglais: seats and forms of power: for what reason someone has to use power on another one?. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Mars 2017  •  Discours  •  464 Mots (2 Pages)  •  2 207 Vues

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Oral de bac


The notion is seats and forms of power first I like to give the definition of power: Power is the ability to exercise authority and influence over others like policemen, artists, media or parents. It could be exerted in different ways: physical forces, intellectual influence, punishment or money. In relation with the notion, the topic of my presentation would be the power of people over another. We may wonder for what reason someone has to use power on another one? To answer to that question I will talk about relation between master and slave then male power. The world has been always led by people who got power. For a long time and now people abuse of power to asserted people, the most known fact is slavery. Slavery is the condition to being subject to some influence or habit. In the nineteen century slavery was legal in the United States, slavers went to Africa for sold Africans to harvest cottons, sugar cane or tobacco. The holders could use their power to kill, rape or beat slaves. In this document the story is about the gardener (Solomon) who pick up an orange, his owner saw him, became angry wrenched the orange and threw at him. The gardener took a brick but he finally turn on his heel even if he do that, the police came to fetch him later. This story reflect the total submission of a slave for his master without communication. Moreover modern slavery exist, in Mauritania slavery is a kind of tradition, it was abolished in 1981. But that exist because of people who are not aware about the possibility of a life outside servitude and because of the caste system (black= enslave/clearer= master) + moulkheir mint yarba story “Escape”. Nevertheless slavery is not the only cases about power’s abuses, male power is also. In the most of Est countries like Pakistan, Bangladesh or Afghanistan men have power over women, those countries are Muslim and thanks to the Coran they practice sharia (Islamic code). The story of mukthar mai who decided to fight against her rapists (because of a supposed affair between her teenage brothers and a 30 old woman) even if all her clan was against her is incredible. She show that if you respect yourself you’re shouldn’t have to be or to feel dishonored. So for what reason someone has to use power on another one?


It’s because of fear, to use power over another causes an almighty sensation, you got life or death power. And if you think that the person in front of you could destroy it you feel in danger. But can anyone believe about a society without power? Does the society will be better than ours?

Thanks you!


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