Anglais Oral
Guide pratique : Anglais Oral. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Tygga01 • 30 Janvier 2019 • Guide pratique • 479 Mots (2 Pages) • 609 Vues
Hello, today i will talk about the notion places and forms of power.
First of all, i would like to give a quick definition of the world « POWER », power is the ability to influence the behavior people. It’s the capacity to exerce control or authority over other. It can be a person, a group or a nation who have great influence over poeple. In orders to live together members of a community accept rules and laws. This help to create a social cohesion but also lead conflicts and tension. The power can be exercise in differents places like a country a school or a prison.
We know differents power like the political power the social power or the prison power.
The thematic of this presentation are the prisons because it’s a good example of the notion places and forms of power, diferents power are exercice in a place like a prison.
In this presentation we’ll see the avantages and the inconveniants of the americain prison.
First we let start to say that yes prison are a good representation of power, prison permit to punish peoples who’re don’t respect the rules put in place by the institutions (States, penal code) who are a power symbol of the power in country. Peoples who commit a crime or offense are judged to their faults by a tribunal with a judge who represent the legal power. Prisons are essentials to the society this permit to keep the order.
Prisons can have avantage, in US, prisonners can work in prison, they are pay and after their sentence the prisonners can reintegrate the society. Prisonners can worked in differents entreprise. For the entreprise it’s a good things to embauch prisonners, they are not expensive staff.
The guardians are very violent with prisonners and the life conditions in prison are not good, this is an avantages like that prisonners don’t want to return in prison. The guardians autorithies avoid the revolt of prisonners. In the prison, guardians represent a power form, they dictate the rules.
Secondly, we’ll see the inconvenients of prison. Like we say before guardians use violence in prison but sometimes we’ll see violence abused like we see in the stanford experience. The violence don’t resolve all problems.
Anothers inconvenients, prison regroup people who commit a little crime with big criminal, this create differents problems, like terrorism, a lot terrorist created in prison, i think is a bad this to mix pedophile and a simple drugs dealer. This incite to poeple to commit a big crime after their sentence. This is an influencial power.
To conclude i want to say, the prison are a good exemple of the notion places and fomrs of power because prison regroup all aspects of the power. We find avantage in prison but i thinks a lot of things must be change because we find to much inconvenient in prison