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Anglais notion woman situation

TD : Anglais notion woman situation. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  22 Février 2019  •  TD  •  795 Mots (4 Pages)  •  601 Vues

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Notion 1 : Progress

Today, I am going to deal with the notion of progress who refers forward movement.

To illustrate this notions, I will take about women's situation from 1950's until today.

Indeed, the case of women relates to the idea of ​​progress because their positions and their rights have evolved a lot .

The leads me to wonder how did women's rights evolve over the last 70 years.

So first, i will reflect  on the situation and the rights of women in the 1950s, then i will adress what has changed for women in the 1960s, and finally i will deal with the situation and women's rights today.

For begin with women situation was not like today, they supported social pression. Indeed, we can see it during the 1950's, with picture of standards of that time. In this document, we can understand that women had important place at home, housewife had to do all housework such as cooking, cleaning, doing the washing up, making the bed and taking after husband's needs.

Housewives had to look happy and shouldn't complain about their situation. They also had to dress up, wear dresses, they had make-up, heels, and they were wearing an apron. They had to dress this way to please their husband.

Most of the time, married women didn't work and couldn't leave the house as they wished, they could do the grocery shopping and pick up children at school.

But sometimes, some women had the chance to work.  Although, their situation wasn't better. As demonstrated in an extract from Madmen's pilot. This document was released in 2007 and directed by Matthew Weiner. It deals with gender gap. The scene take place in New-York, in a advertining agency during the 1650's. We can see men and women on thier workplace, men are arrogant and stare women. Men occupy highest positions contrary to women who occupy the lowest positions.

The artist aims at denoucing the gender gap during the 1950's, indeed men are disiping women, treating them as if they were inferior. The artist wants to show inequalities between men and women on the workplace.

Before soumission of women, there are their reaction. What changed during 1960's ?  How were they subject ?  In « 5 things women couldn't do in the 1960's » we learn more.

Katie McLaughlin, in a CNN article explain women situation. The document started with a citation of Kennedy, who willing to offer opportu,ity of work to housewives as long as they complete their « women duty » that is to say : housework.  Then, we learn some surprising things, such as for exemple, women couldn't serve on a jury (because theye were too « sensible »), they can't have access to the top universities such as Harvard, have equality at work and couldn't get a credit card for their own, and the worst : they didn't have liberty about their body.

And then, reaction.  Indeed, things moved for women during the 1960's. The trailer of Made in Dagenham, show during 1960's women, in Dagenham, a small poor city next to London, in a sewing factory, women's who fight for equal pay. This comedy, inspired buy a true story, this movie denouced gender gap yet.

One last aspect is that of women's situation and rights today. Inequality persist, such as tells Oprah Winfrey in a interview about wages gap between men and women. She explain, in 1980, she won less then her colleague, and when went meet her boss in office, in found it logic, and refused to increase her team's cause they were women's. After, she take the risque to make her own show for


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