BAC Anglais LV1
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Sects in the USA
What’s a sect ? First definition * Def * Eglise = secte (suivant cette def) but people refuse this because of the negative way sects are considered What it became * Explication ( = cult) * Connotation négative * Ce que ça évoque aux gens Caracteristics * Strong hierarchy :
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Sécurité routière
Anglais 1. What can an immigrant offer to the country he move to ? Immigrants can offert a lot of the country he moves to : * First he can offert a NEW LANGUAGE : some words of french are from other language. * Also he can offer a NEW
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Sédimentation et milieux de sédimentation
Ch.2 : Sédimentation et milieux de sédimentation Rappel : On appelle « érosion » l’ensemble des phénomènes se déroulant à la surface du sol ou à faible profondeur qui détruit les roches superficielles et déplace les fragments obtenus modifiant ainsi le relief. Les fragments obtenus peuvent être solides ou en
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Ségrégation aux Etats-unis
Racial segregation is an organized separation of law or fact, among groups differentiated by the color of the skin, within the same country. The separation can be physical with places prohibited to certain groups (restaurant, toilets, school, cinema, dwelling) or take the form of discrimination. For this, many people fought.
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Segregation in the US
Segregation In The US Jim Crow law, in U.S. history, any of the laws that enforced racial segregation (meaning that black and white people had different treatment, black people were not treated well) in the South between the end of Reconstruction in 1877 and the beginning of the civil rights
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Ségrégation Raciale
Anglais Exposé Tableau Racial segregation is a principle that aims to separate people of different colors in joint activities or in everyday life in general, such as in transportation or restaurants. It was present in the United States at the end of the nineteenth century and at the beginning of
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Selena helps Justin about CDO
Dear Justin, I hope that you and Hailey are doing great. We do not know each other but I’m a close friend of Selena. She told me that both of you are planning to make a huge investment in a synthetic CDO. I know a lot of things happened between
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Self anglais
Our self would focus on protecting the environment and on healthy, local food. Our suppliers would come from the region and provide us with very good quality food which guarantees responsible production. Each meal will be balanced and composed of organic vegetables, various fruits, cereals, animal or vegetable proteins, spices
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Self presentation
Hey let me introduce myself i am Aiden Smith, i am twenty fourth and i work as an aerospace engineer. I live in Manhattan between thirty five th and 59th Midtown West at 500W 35st. I am maried and i have 2 kids a girl and a boy . I
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Selling some products
English Pitch Hello everyone my name is Soline Marine and I are two friend who together made Big mouth Today I hope you are ready to discover our product that will improve your mornings This is Big mouth, the easiest to use and ingenious mug you’ll ever know we know
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Selon vous, quel est le critère prioritaire lors d’un achat d’accessoires de repassage et de séchage de linge (Budget, qualité, renommé de la marque)? et Pourquoi ?
Thème 1 : critères Selon vous, quel est le critère prioritaire lors d’un achat d’accessoires de repassage et de séchage de linge (Budget, qualité, renommé de la marque)? et Pourquoi ? Brabantia voit le jour en 1919 aux Pays Bas. L’entreprise familiale a produit de nombreux produits, d’abord des bidons
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Semi colon essay
Once upon a time, in a world of doom, dependent and independent clauses lived in chaos forced to make sentences together. They could not survive without one another but despised each other, and they could not support this any longer. One day, an independent clause, the most famous scientist
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Seminar invitation letter
Nanti M’BOUBEKA Assistant Manager Centre International de Management de Versaille, 24 Boulevard du Maréchal Foch 78000 Versailles To Mr.x Director English Wood Supplier 50 Warwick Avenue Bradford, BT1 4AE England December 12th, 2020 Subject: Seminar invitation letter Dear Mr. Director, First, I want to introduce myself. I’m ….., the assistant
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SEOUL, global city
Introduction : Seoul is the capital of the South Korea, a country situated in Asia and with almost 51 millions of habitants. As for her, 10 million people live within the city and 24 million in Seoul’s wider metropolitan. I-The buiness activity A) Center of activities Today, Seoul is considered a
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September 11th, 2001, attacks
September 11th, 2001, attacks I) Presentation On Tuesday September 11th ,2001, there were four suicide attacks in the USA. On this Tuesday morning, 19 terrorists highjacked four planes. Two planes crashed on the twins towers of World Trade Center in Manhattan New York city. These two towers collapsed two hours
560 Mots / 3 Pages