BAC Anglais LV1
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Rosa Parks’ contribution on the development of civil rights in the USA.
PRESENTATION : Rosa Parks’ contribution on the development of civil rights in the USA. HISTORICAL CONTEXT ( INTRODUCTION ) Slavery in the United States was the legal institution, primarily of Africans and African Americans, that existed from its founding in 1776 until passage of the Thirteenth Amendment in 1865. After
1 138 Mots / 5 Pages -
Rousseau anglais
This article is about the philosopher. For other uses, see Rousseau (disambiguation). Jean-Jacques Rousseau Jean-Jacques Rousseau (painted portrait).jpg Rousseau in 1753, by Maurice Quentin de La Tour Born 28 June 1712 Geneva, Republic of Geneva Died 2 July 1778 (aged 66) Ermenonville, Kingdom of France Era 18th-century philosophy (Modern philosophy)
571 Mots / 3 Pages -
RueDuCommerce ou la conciliation des objectifs stratégiques et opérationnels
RueDuCommerce ou la conciliation des objectifs stratégiques et opérationnels 1. Analyse de la situation de l’entreprise Ces différents documents parlent de RueDuCommerce, une entreprise qui a racheté, un magasin de vente en ligne de produits culturels et techniques. Ils nous présentent l’entreprise depuis le rachat de Alapage et ses
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MOUNT RUSHMORE The Mount Rushmore National Mémorial , near the city of Rapid City in the State of South Dakota in the United States , is a granite sculpture located in the Presidential Memorial of United States who retraces 150 years of the country's history.The face sculptures are each 18
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Saint Patrick's Day
Saint Patrick's Day Celebrated on March 17, the popular Irish national holiday has become a happy pretext out and have fun whether you are in Dublin ... Or not! Thus, throughout the world, we celebrate this special Saint Patrick’s Day. The green color is honored in all major cities. Parades
1 152 Mots / 5 Pages -
Saint Patrick's day
St Patrick’s day (so st patrick’s day right. Let’s talk about it) Origins Patrick was a man who was actually born in Britain in 387, during the time that Britain was occupied by the Roman Empire. His parents named him Padraig he came from a family of priests. When he
652 Mots / 3 Pages -
Scénario en anglais
Shocking phone call After the school Antonin, the brother of Juliette goes back his home. He receives a call of Juliette, with the last phone, offered by his father. Antonin : What do you want ? Juliette (terrified) : Do you saw ? Antonin : Saw what ? Juliette: In
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Scène d'arrestation en anglais
Lucas: Hello Mrs Britney, I’m Officer Lucas and here, Officer Brian Britney: Hello. Brian: Hello! Britney: What’s the problem? Lucas: so… Are you Dr Schlasko’s daughter? Britney: Yes. Why? Brian: Your house burnt, and we didn’t find your family Britney: Oh my god! Brian: Come with us! Lucas: Please could
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Scene d'expo Britannicus
Séquence 3 : Britannicus de Jean Racine (1669) Extrait 1 : Scène d’exposition, Acte 1, scène 1 (v 1-74) Problématique : Introduction : I- Ce texte est la scène d’exposition d’une tragédie. 1- C’est une scène d’exposition classique. - Présente les personnages qui sont des nobles de la royauté -
340 Mots / 2 Pages -
School functioning in the Amish
Dorine 211 SOLDA SCHOOL FUNCTIONING IN THE AMISH The system : It is in1972 that Amish obtain the right to teach as they wish it. The Amish children go to school during eight years, from six to fourteen years. Teaching is in a single class where all the levels are
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LLS 2nde SCHOOL IN THE UK AND THE USA worksheet 2 2. GROUP WORK DURATION 20’ > Work in groups of 4 or 5. > your mission : - Find at least 5 non physical things that each group member has in common with the other members. > TALK -
3 657 Mots / 15 Pages -
School: an idea of progress
To begin, what’s the progress? The progress is an idea according to which humanity would evolve towards an ideal, by advances. These advances could be scientific, social or technological. The progress is subjective; it can be considered positive by some, or negative for others (for example, the economic globalization, encouraged
434 Mots / 2 Pages -
Science babies - EO anglais
Idea of progress The progress is an Evolution that can be social scientific or technical and it advances every day. Recently, movies, novels and articles are about science babies, but, is it a good idea to play with science? First, we will see how they are created, then, why they
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Science eco
Ce marché de concurrence pure et parfaite est également qualifié d’auto régulateur en effet des desquilibre entre l’offre et la demande peuvent intervenir sur le marche , par exemple le prix du pétrole augmente entraine une diminution de vente de voiture , la rareté de ce derniers entrainera un hausse
300 Mots / 2 Pages -
Science fiction
Project cyborg. First stage: RFID ( Radio frequency Identification) chip implated in a man's arm. Second stage in 2002 (Focus, p 38) Lot of film are about cyborg for instance we got robot cop, Cyborg, Terminator , a Cyborg part human part machine We could wonder,does fiction draw it insparation
517 Mots / 3 Pages