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Spaces and exchanges: American demography

Analyse sectorielle : Spaces and exchanges: American demography. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  14 Avril 2017  •  Analyse sectorielle  •  528 Mots (3 Pages)  •  786 Vues

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To start with I would like to talk about spaces and exchanges, though the evolution of the American demography.

First, I think it is important to remember that American was discovered by Christopher Colombus coming from Spain in 1492. Then Noth America became a host country in 1620 for the puritous who escaped from parsecution by sailing on the mayflower to America.

Then because of slavery, America’s population became as well a mixture with black people.

This is why America is a melting port but today, statistics show that a new demography is growing in the United stats. A new diversity is rising.

2-We may wonder if it is an opportunity or a threat ?

First of all I would like to illustration the importance of the curent shift though a few statistics.

a) The demographie projections anticipate that in 2026 the percentage of non-white population will represent 57% of the population.

The white population will decrease from 75% to 69%, whereas :

Hispanics will grow from 17% to 31%,

The black alone from 13% to 15%,

And the Asian people from 5% to 8%.

In 50 years one-third(1/3) of the population will be non-white compared to 18% in 2010.

b)This new mosaic will inevitably change america’s identity. For exemple the omportance of the spanish comcerit has an impact on the language. Spanish is the second most spoken language in the US. A new « lingo » as been created(advertising language) : the Spanish is a language that mixes English and Spanish. Codes are switching, in advertising and in the medias for exemple.

c)Another aspect has to be mentioned.

I think about the black immigration that changed recently. The Sub-saharan Africans especialy coming from Nigeria and Ethiopia are more and more important.

In terms of socioeconomic profiles, foreign born blacks are older than US born blacks, and more educated. They are less likely to live in poverty than US born blacks.

Another important foreign immigrant group cames from India. They are the most promising group, and are prominent in tech companies. Sundar Pichai is indian and curently google’s CEO. They also have success on wall street and in the government. The Indian born comunity outstrys all other minorities. They are well educated, entreprising, hard workers, and make it to the top. The average family income of indian immigrants is the double that of white americans.

3) It is worth mentioning that new demography of the US is reshaping America’s competivness. Foreigh born blacks and Indians are educated and set up business. But the growth of the population comes mainly from latinos. As today’s Hispanic population tends to be younger than comparable group they are inavitably America’s future.

The white population is declining and reaching retirement, whereas latinos will Americas youth.

Unformunately, gaps have to be briged if America wants to transforme this growth in a demographie opportunity. The latino population must be well education because  they will be americas futures doctors, teachers

4)To conclude, diversity is to my opinion a great opportunity. The competitivness of the Silicon Valley wondn’t be the same without the Indian immigration.

Unformatly Trump, befers to bild a wall between mexico and the US. I am not certain that american realised that thair future is behind if they don’t make up with immigratition


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