BAC Anglais LV1
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Rights LGBTQI+
Northern Ireland and Austria (Europe) : LGBT rights The LGBT rights are widely diverse in Europe per country. Sixteen out of the 26 countries that have legalised same-sex marriage worldwide are situated in Europe. Not many European countries have legalised civil unions or other forms of more limited recognition for
979 Mots / 4 Pages -
Commencez la rédaction de votre travail. Travail noté 2 Le milieu choisi et son portrait Le Centre Intégré de Santé et de Services Sociaux de la Montérégie Ouest (CISSSMO) est le milieu choisi pour ce travail. Plus précisément, c’est la coordination des programmes spécialisés en trouble de comportement (TC) et
3 513 Mots / 15 Pages -
Rise of Global Warming scepticism and its debate
Rise of Global Warming scepticism and its debate Nowadays, global warming is a big stake for our planet and all its inhabitants. This corpus is composed of four documents. The first one is a cartoon dealing with the fact that skeptics ignore the reality of global warming until the end.
467 Mots / 2 Pages -
Road to war
Inès Klasser Road to War Essay The Second World War affected most of the world greatly, damaging infrastructure, weakening economies and ruining nations. The need to decide which countries were responsible was widespread across Europe and the globe, in order for people to heal from this major trauma. However, to
1 673 Mots / 7 Pages -
Roaring twenties
Myths and Heroes I'm going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First of all a myth is a traditional story concerning the early history of people or explaining a natural or social phenomenon. A hero is a person or a superhuman who is admired for his/her courage,
570 Mots / 3 Pages -
Robbie, I, Robot
'Robbie', I, Robot 1) a) Mrs Weston and her husband George. b) Gloria their daughter / Robbie the robot / The neighbors. 2) Mrs Weston is the wife of George and they have a daughter named Gloria. Robbie is the nurse and the friend of Gloria. 3) a)The parents talk
381 Mots / 2 Pages -
I'm going to talk about the notion of Idea of Progress. The idea of progress is the idea that human condition can become better thanks to advances in science or technology. We can use a good topical example, the robotics. Then I can wonder if robotics threated humanity. I- NO
274 Mots / 2 Pages -
Roe v Wade The question of equality had always been an important part of society’s history, whether it is in relation to the skin color or the gender of the person. Women, through time, were always considered weak and less incapable than men, meaning that the society was and still
579 Mots / 3 Pages -
Rôles infirmiers, organisation du travail et interprofessionnalité
Elise BAUMARD 2éme année d'infirmière Profs référents : LB Une image contenant personne, intérieur Description générée automatiquement UE 3.3: Rôles infirmiers, organisation du travail et interprofessionnalité Problème de saturation Une image contenant homme, personne, portant, intérieur Description générée automatiquement Institut de formation en soins infirmiers Valentine labbe Sommaire : 1
3 374 Mots / 14 Pages -
Romantic period (1798-1837)
ROMANTIC PERIOD (1798-1837) * artistic, literary, intellectual movement ←origin:Europe * very important period of the history of the England * reaction to * -the French revolution * -the Industrial Revolution * -the aristocratic social and political norms of the Age of Enlightenment * -the scientific rationalisation of nature. * Visual
345 Mots / 2 Pages -
Romanticism (LELE)
LELE: Romanticism Romanticism is a movement in art and literature in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries in revolt against the Neoclassicism of the previous centuries. Imagination, emotion, and freedom are certainly the focal points of romanticism. Any list of particular characteristics of the literature of romanticism includes subjectivity and an
893 Mots / 4 Pages -
Romeo and Juliet, oral lele
ORAL LELE Today, I am going to talk about adaptations and fanfictions. And to illustrate my presentation, i will talk about Romeo and Juliet, which is a very famous play written by William Shakespeare. This play has inspire a lot of authors, movie directors, to do adaptations, sometimes to change
516 Mots / 3 Pages -
Rosa Parks
Je m’appelle Rosa Parks et j’ai dit non à la discrimination raciale Le 1er décembre 1955, Rosa Parks (1913 – 2005) refuse de laisser sa place à un Blanc dans l’autobus qui la ramène chez elle. De cet acte de désobéissance s’ensuivra un boycott de la compagnie de bus
258 Mots / 2 Pages -
Rosa Parks
Rosa Parks is an emblematic figure of the protest movement against racism and racial segregation. Her courage and determination as Rosa Parks inspired millions of people around the world and earned respect. She, alone, has changed the course of history and the lives of all the black people in the
1 571 Mots / 7 Pages -
Rosa Parks and segregation
Negro News Issue #1998 05/04/1956 NAACP Negro News Issue #1998 05/04/1956 The year was 1955 as I was walking towards the bus station Rosa and I were having a conversation about how the “segregation” was unfair and someone should’ve done something about it. She was so into the subject that
493 Mots / 2 Pages