Rosa Parks
Discours : Rosa Parks. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Charles BRICOUT • 15 Octobre 2017 • Discours • 258 Mots (2 Pages) • 2 851 Vues
Je m’appelle Rosa Parks et j’ai dit non à la discrimination raciale
Le 1er décembre 1955, Rosa Parks (1913 – 2005) refuse de laisser sa place à un Blanc dans l’autobus qui la ramène chez elle. De cet acte de désobéissance s’ensuivra un boycott de la compagnie de bus de 381 jours par la communauté Noire. Le 13 novembre 1956, la Cour suprême cassera les lois ségrégationnistes dans les bus, les déclarant anticonstitutionnelles. Rosa Parks deviendra une figure emblématique de la lutte contre la ségrégation raciale, ce qui lui vaudra le surnom de “mère des droits civiques” (mother of civils rights).
Rosa Parks
-Rosa Parks was born in Alabama the 4th February 1913 and died the 24th October 2006 at Detroit witch is under privileged and it didn’t improve when her husband died. She got roots from Africa and she was a victim from the segregation during XIXe centuries.
-She has been a civil rights Activist, in fact she was the secretary of the NAACP( National Association for the Advancement for Coloured People)
She got arrested in December 1st 1955 when she refused to give up her seat in a bus. After she final got out of jail, she became an iconic figure for the Civil Rights movement and so she met Martin Luther King the main leader of the movement that aim and the discrimination against African-Americans. This movement obtained a Civil Rights Act in 1964 and a voting Rights Act in 1965. After retirement she wrote her own autobiography.
All of those facts demonstrate that she’s courageous, determinate and engaged.