BAC Anglais LV1
4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 3 526 - 3 540
Religions in the UK
ENGLISH PRESENTATION : Religions in the UK PB : Is the United Kingdom still a Christian country ? David Cameron, the ex prime minister said in a message he delivered in 2015, that Britain is a christian country whose religious values have made it a « home to people of
1 127 Mots / 5 Pages -
Comprehension du texte remember the internet never forgets {A recent survey by microsoft finds three quarters of American recruiters and human resources professionals perform online searches into the activities of potential employees.] Résumé en français : Cet article de Postmedia News daté de 2010 s’intéresse à une des composantes d’internet,
252 Mots / 2 Pages -
Renault MSA
Louisy Joseph Solène BTS AG PME PMI 1 EPREUVE U21 RENAULT MSA VALLEE DE L’EURE TABLE OF CONTENTS * Presentation of company * Activities * Personal Impressions * Conclusions PRESENTATION OF COMPANY I did my internship with Renault MSA Vallée de l’Eure in Louviers. The Company is located in the
391 Mots / 2 Pages -
Reparations to India
sssse reparations to India? For 200 years, from 1757 to 1947, India was under British rule. The reasons for Britain’s colonies in this country were mostly for economic benefits, Britain depended on the colonies for raw materials in order to sell them. Another reason for India’s colonisation was power. The
470 Mots / 2 Pages -
Repercussions of ten-point plan of Helmut Kohl
Repercussion of ten-point plan of Helmut Kohl The end of World War II officially ends on September 3, 1945. This having engendered consequences across the globe as causalities, cities totally destroyed, etc. It has also allowed the United States as well as Russia to stand out globally due to their
1 336 Mots / 6 Pages -
Réponse à une question problématisée
These documents are about the unequal integration of territories in a globalized world. The first document is a map of the world that deals with the world’s best and worst places to do business. The title of this document is « The world bank ease of doing business » ranking
813 Mots / 4 Pages -
Report company valuation
C:\Users\admin\Desktop\download.png ________________ Rīgas Tehniskā universitāte Definition Evaluate a company is a difficult task that requires strong legal knowledge, financial and years of practice. It is strongly advised to seek the advice of an evaluation specialist. It should be noted that an evaluation can be carried out during various operations: Mergers
803 Mots / 4 Pages -
Repousser une requête d’un collaborateur
Il y a plusieurs manières de repousser une requête d’un collaborateur. Mieux vaut expliquer, proposer autre chose ou différer une décision, selon les circonstances. Lorsque la veille de Noël, le DRH d’une grande société a découvert que le service marketing se retrouvait désert à un moment stratégique, il a failli
615 Mots / 3 Pages -
Représentation de l'information
Micro = transducteur encodeur emetteur = enceinte canal de transmition = air récepteur décodeur = voix transducteur = enceinte cible = écran ou enceinte Micro = transducteur encodeur emetteur = enceinte canal de transmition = air récepteur décodeur = voix transducteur = enceinte cible = écran ou enceinte Micro =
471 Mots / 2 Pages -
Republicans and democrats
This document is an extract from press article published the 5 of February this year by Peter Baker who is an expert in politics, in the New-York Times, one of the most famous newspaper At this time the wall, on the border between Mexico and U.S was built. To govern
260 Mots / 2 Pages -
Research proposa template
RESEARCH PROPOSAL TEMPLATE TASK Write a research proposal which will be the basis of your independent project. Use the proposal template provided. PROJECT PROPOSAL Coursework Task 1 (10%) Student Name: Student Number: Shu Student Number: Ip Ka Chun 187014515 28041450 Supervisor: Lee Ka Yiu Kyle Working Title: Promotion strategies of
1 464 Mots / 6 Pages -
Réseaux et internet
Thème : INTERNET C:\Users\laure\AppData\Local\Microsoft\Windows\INetCache\Content.MSO\6AF35D5C.tmp LYCEE LOUIS MAJORELLE TOUL Date : 08/10 NOMS : DALLY Important : Compléter la date et vos noms ci-dessus puis sauvegarder ce document sous le format suivant INTERNET_DALLY_BOGARD (avec vos noms respectifs) dans le dossier SNT > INTERNET. Les questions se trouvent sur le fichier PDF
2 008 Mots / 9 Pages -
Resume "Just the end of the world".
TOPIC 2 : THE PROJECT : We’ve been asked to do an English project, which requires us to listen, speak and write in English. I will not really speak, with my project, but there it is. My project is a film critique about the movie “Juste la fin du monde”
764 Mots / 4 Pages -
Resume anglais
Emily Davison was hit by the King’s horse at Epsom derby force-feeding Emily Davison, a suffragette who had already been jailed, been on hunger strike and force-fed many times, threw herself under King George V's horse at Epsom Derby in 1913 to attract the media and the country's attention. After
347 Mots / 2 Pages -
Résumé arthur the king
Duperray Rebecca 1èreS3 Tâche Intermédiaire King Arthur According to the legend, Arthur was concieved, by Uther Pendragon and Igraine, at Tintagel Castle. Right after his birth, Arthur was taken away from Tintagel by Merlin the Enchanter, brought to Sir Ector and raised ignorant of his real heritage. When Arthur was
295 Mots / 2 Pages