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Research proposa template

Chronologie : Research proposa template. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Décembre 2018  •  Chronologie  •  1 464 Mots (6 Pages)  •  570 Vues

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Write a research proposal which will be the basis of your independent project. Use the proposal template provided.


Coursework Task 1 (10%)

Student Name:

Student Number:

Shu Student Number:

Ip Ka Chun




Lee Ka Yiu Kyle

Working Title:

Promotion strategies of basketball participation in Hong Kong


Basketball is a popular sport in Hong Kong, there are many young people play basketball. In recent years, The Hong Kong Eastern Basketball Team is a Hong Kong professional basketball club. And it is the first professional basketball team in Hong Kong history. Nowadays, basketball not only energy-saving carbon reduction, and it can also to achieve leisure, exercise, fitness, etc. there are some organizations and governments to organize basketball competitions to promote this sport. Such as

Hong Kong Basketball Association and HK Island & Kowloon Secondary Schools Regional Committee.

Furthermore, play basketball can improve health. Regular physical activity strengthens the heart and improves lung function. It helps building healthy bones, improving muscle fitness, and maintaining a healthy body weight. It can also reduce the symptoms of anxiety and depression. Participation in physical activity can also assist in the social development of youth. (Leisure and Cultural Services Department; 2009). Therefore, playing basketball can make health. It can use improve health to promo Hong Kong citizens playing more basketball. Because Hong Kong have 521 basketball court. It makes people play basketball easily.

Also, in 2015, First professional basketball club build up: Hong Kong Eastern.  From the former, Hong Kong amateur basketball team is no pay for players. It is hard to balance players life and basketball. Because basketball team need waste time to training and play completion, but it will no time to work. Nowadays, The Hong Kong Eastern basketball club can solve this problem and make a promotion to attract more people to play basketball Since it is professional level. The players can get wage.  


Moreover, playing basketball can Improves social development and team work skills. Playing a team sport such as basketball is a great opportunity for kids to make lasting friendships with team mates and be surrounded by coaches and older players who can be role models for younger players. Participating in a team sport also highlights the importance of working together in a team to achieve their sporting goals and be supportive of one another. Basketball teaches kids the importance of communication skills, the value of listening to one another and effectiveness of teamwork.

The first research question is “Improve health is Promotion strategies of basketball participation?”. The second research question is “What problem with Hong Kong basketball team need to improve?”. The third question is “Why playing basketball can improves social development?”

Basketball is a popular sport in Hong Kong. But there are many problems need to improve. So, this research is found out what happen should be improve and prefer to basketball organizations or governments to follow up.

In this question, there are some research has previously been done. The first research is “Interest and participation in selected sports among New Zealand adolescents” (04-June-2004) (Rosalina Richards, Anthony Reeder, Helen Darling)

The second research is “NBA Players’ Pay and Performance: What Counts?” (Kevin Sigler and William Compton August 2nd, 2018)

The third research is “The effects of ten weeks basketball exercises on social development in adolescents of Ahwaz city” (Reza Baledi 2011.04.20)

State your Research Aims:

Explore what is the Hong Kong people like to play basketball.

Explore what promotion is most attractive.

Explore what is the Hong Kong people get in basketball

Analysis of the difficulties for Hong Kong people to play basketball.

Literature Review:

Career Development

Adults playing basketball are the easiest to give up in Hong Kong. Because Hong Kong only have one professional basketball club to pay player salary. This makes it difficult for players to continue their career development. Because they need money to life. If some organizations and governments can fund players from salary. It can attract more people to play basketball. The maximum amount of salary a player can receive is based on the number of years played in the NBA and the amount of the salary cap. For example, the maximum salary of a player with six or fewer years of experience is either $25,500,000 or 25 percent of the total salary cap for 2017–18 (Kevin Sigler and William Compton August 2nd, 2018). Hong Kong basketball organizations and governments use like NBA Players salary method. It will be are good promotion of basketball participation.

social development

Basketball is a team sport. Basketball is one of the world's most popular and widely viewed sports. Basketball can unite different people to be familiar. Because play basketball needs to commutation and team work. team players cannot don’t communicate with teammates to play a good basketball game. Also, After basketball. the teammates might become a good friend. It is also about bringing people together. Relation from participated students in Basketball group (team) athletes are good situations for developing the teenagers and youth autonomy, responsibility, compatibility and relation levels. Having the sense of autonomy, responsibility, compatibility and relation in an acceptable extent has a good result on the individual life, in a way that person can take regarded decisions in the life with high self-confidence and access to his purpose just based on self-abilities and without depending on others. Having such; men beside each other in a society cause a progressive society (Daniel et al., 2010).

Improve health

Playing basketball can improve health. Many people play basketball reason is make body build up and health. Also, it can make people burn calories, build endurance, improve balance and coordination develop concentration and self-discipline and build up muscle etc… many benefits.

Therefore, it is why basketball can attract many people, because basketball can make body health.

 performance capacity, lean body mass, and bone mineral density and decreases in mean arterial pressure, body fat percentage, performance capacity and lean body mass and a decrease in body fat percentage were observed in this group. (Morten B. Randers, Marie Hagman, Jonathan Brix, Jesper F. Christensen , Mogens T. Pedersen Jens J . Nielsen, Peter Krustrup )


The method is to study the what promotion make you play basketball. The data collection will be collected using questionnaires.  Because questionnaires are low budget and authenticity. The questionnaires can find out the what is the best promotion of basketball and what promotion need to improve. And gather the opinions of the public to reflected to the basketball organization or government.

This survey will be conducted in 22th January 2019 at Southorn Playground. Include inside playground and outside playground for one day. And choosing the weekend. Also, here is the basketball hotspot. It can invite many play basketball people to do interview easily.

Therefore, the target group will interview 100 people who has at least 1-month experience in basketball and their aged above 18 years old. The basketball players are including male and female. So, it is easy to find the target of the basketball players and interview. During the weekend, many basketball players will go out and play basketball together. Also, Southorn inside playground will be have some professional athletes training and competition, it can find them to do the questionnaire.

In addition, The questionnaire was reference Participation Motivation Questionnaire (Miran Kondrič , Joško Sindik , Gordana Furjan-Mandić  and Bernd Schiefler). It can find out which promotion to give motivation factor to play basketball. Also, the questionnaire has two part.

first part is interviewees personal information. There are 5 questions, it is gender, age, education level, monthly income and playing basketball level.

second part is found out which promotion is players play basketball motivation. About the question, it can divide four different factors. It is about Career, Health, Social and Other.

In addition.  a 5-point scope was used in this questionnaire. All interviewees need to answer from 1 (not at all agree) to 5 (extremely agree). Also, the questionnaire has “other” choose, the interviewees need to write text when they choosing “other” option.

Plan of Work:










set the title


Literature Search


Project proposal


Set up questionnaire


collect questionnaires


Analysis data


Writing the Results


Complete project


In November, I will set the tittle at 3/11/2018 and I need go to research some literature and information about my title. Then, I will finish my project proposal before 29/11/2018. Also, I will set up my questionnaire in 10 day. After that, I will start collect questionnaires before 31/1/2019. Therefore. I will analysis data before 29/2/2019.  With the results. I will use 17 days to writing.

Finally, the project will finish at May.


Consultancy Study on Sport for All – Participation Patterns of Hong Kong People in Physical Activities. Summary Report. Hong Kong SAR: Leisure and Cultural Services Department; 2009

(BQMarketing , January 24,2017)

(Morten B.RandersabMarieHagmanaJonathanBrixbJesper F.ChristensencMogens T.PedersenbJens J.NielsenbPeterKrustrup , April 2018 , )'s_Physical_Activity_among_Sport_Students_in_Three_Countries

(Miran Kondrič , Joško Sindik , Gordana Furjan-Mandić  and Bernd Schiefler October 2013 )

(Reza Baledi December 2011)

(Kevin Sigler and William Compton, August 2, 2018)


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