Research On Social Media
Mémoire : Research On Social Media. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar tita03 • 27 Juillet 2013 • 1 381 Mots (6 Pages) • 904 Vues
b. First observation
Through this first table, we can make the following observation:
• 100% of respondents believe that Web 2.0 has led to a new interaction between trademarks and their customers / consumers. 5 interviewed stated here that the dialogue between the brand and its customers / consumers have had an impact on communication and customer relations. The same number of people also believes that consumers are now in power. 4 of respondents also believe that the Web 2.0 has led to a multiplication of points of contact However, it seems important to note that according to one of the respondents, a large majority of brands did not understand Web 2.0, and therefore continue applying the traditional model.
• 9 out of 12 of respondents believe that brands are on social networks improve their reputation and brand image. if 8 out of 12 respondents think it is an opportunity to reach a wider audience, only 3 respondents mentioned being able to advertise at low cost. 50% of them must go where the customers are, ie social networks. Finally, four of the respondents believe that trademarks are on social networks to be like the others, including competitors.
• 5 reasons raised by the respondents were also repeated a second time to define the interests that brands can create and manage a community on social networks.
• Among the interest raised by the respondents, it appears that eight of them think that managing a community on social networks can retain customers.
• Regarding the communication strategy of brands on social networks, it appears that eight of those interviewed recalled that it was necessary to define upstream of strategy before committing to it.
• 10 of 12 respondents also consider that social networks have a role more important in the strategy of brand communication. 8 of respondents believe that social networks are mostly used as additional broadcast media, particularly in the case of 360 degrees campaign and therefore considered as a new channel of communication, as well as others.
• Among the five advertisers surveyed, three of them said they had not established strategy. Only one has used an outside agency, another has developed its own strategy. With regard to agencies, only one respondent mentioned the benefits of using external agencies to form the brands using social networks.
• According to 4 of respondents, it is essential that a community manager internal as it has the culture of the company and provides greater spontaneity in interaction because it provides answers to questions.
• All respondents use Facebook and Twitter as a tool for communication, 5 to LinkedIn and 4 to Viadeo.
• 50% of respondents referred to the news as the type of information posted on these social networks, 3 referred events and four games (including Facebook applications).
• Among all respondents, only 4 have discussed the importance of charts to oversee brand communication. 2 Respondents also mentioned the fact that large structures tend to have more procedures, which would be for any of the interviewed incompatible with social networks because of the high spontaneous interactions. Among the advertisers surveyed, four of them were not provided for the establishment of specific rules.
• About the extent of actions on social media, eight of the respondents mentioned the difficulty of measuring ROI. 50% of respondents think it would be better to measure ROE, which allows, among other measure return on engagement members or fans of a community.
• Finally, regarding the prospects for futures brands and marketing, 3 of them referred the transition from virtual to real between brands and consumers. The same number of respondents (3) consider the media traditional will not disappear and what will be required to move to brands will be e-commerce because of the mobility of networks.
The future of social networks in the communication strategies of advertisers appears therefore already assured. Thus, this first analysis was an opportunity to be able to confirm most of our research proposals discussed at the first part.
However, in order to confirm whether or not this first impression, we will try in the next section to analyze and further explain the data collected during these interviews.
2.3. Analyzing and discussing the results
Following this initial study, we made a thematic analysis coupled to a lexical analysis.
To do this, we began by identifying among different topics discussed, the frequency of citations of words or expressions used by respondents to the list later in sub-categories.
This second analysis was to:
• To be able to confirm whether or not our various research proposals,
• Identify and understand the role of social