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Social Media

Cours : Social Media. Recherche parmi 299 000+ dissertations

Par   •  23 Février 2015  •  Cours  •  232 Mots (1 Pages)  •  617 Vues

Social Media

In class, my group and I had a discussion about social medias and technologies. We also watched two videos on the subject. It was interesting to learn that basically everyone owns a laptop computer and a smartphone. My teammates and I were all on the same page when we talked about our favorite websites because they were all the same for each and everyone of us. Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Youtube and Netflix were the five websites that were brought in the discussion and I would not be surprise to learn that it was the same five for all the other groups. We settled that our phones are important to us for a couple of good reasons, but on the other end, most of the time we use it for our own pleasure. But, at the end of the day, we would still be able to live without our smartphones if we had no choice. The video that talks about the fact that too many people live most of their lives looking down at their phone instead of looking up made me realize that we miss so many opportunities to have fun, learn new things and meet new people. So from now on, I will use my phone as less as possible to be a better friend, son, brother and lover.


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