BAC Anglais LV1
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Rapport de stage en anglais
Internship Report-2018 This internship was unifying both in my personal development and in my openness to a culture that was totally unknown to me, and allowed me to refine my professional project in the long term, thanks to the advice of various professionals and the missions I met during this
917 Mots / 4 Pages -
Rapport de stage en anglais.
CHNAYTI Jihane Internship report BTS Assistante de Gestion PME - PMI 2015 – 2017 N° immatricule First of all, I worked for a year in a company called Consensus. Consensus is a company founded in two thousand six and it is a debt collection agency. That is to say that
545 Mots / 3 Pages -
Rapport de stage en Anglais.
PFMP ANGLAIS Hello, my name is xxxxxxxx, I am in final year of high school Management Administration at the High school Jean Guéhenno with Fougeres. My internship took place at Hélios's Habitat's who is situated 75 Kick of Brittany with Fougeres from January 16th (sixteenth) till February 10th (tenth), 2017
415 Mots / 2 Pages -
Agadir, Le 12/06/2017 Année Universitaire 2016/2017 La Démarche Qualité Au Sein de L'hôtel Paradis Plage ________________ Secteur d’activité Tourisme & hôtellerie Le tourisme est sans doute le seul secteur économique par excellence qui a pu mobiliser les plus grands flux humains dans le monde avec une forte intensité de main
3 066 Mots / 13 Pages -
Rapport de stage, office de tourisme
Office de tourisme 60 grand-rue Mario-Roustan 34200 SETE Rapport d’enquête Mardi 5 décembre 2017 Emetteur: DA MAÏA Quentin, Assistant de manager Destinataire: Mme Brouard Objet: Résultat de l’enquête L’Office de tourisme de Sète a mené une enquête auprès des personnes se renseignant sur les structures. Nous verrons en premier la
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Rapport des résultats de l’enquête de l’office de tourisme
Afficher l'image d'origine 27/09/2016 Destinataire Emetteur Clotilde Brouard Assistant de manager : Cravero Alexandre Note de synthèse : OBJET : Rapport des résultats de l’enquête de l’office de tourisme A travers cette note de synthése une étude sera faite sur les moyens de communication de l’office de tourisme de Sète
697 Mots / 3 Pages -
Rapport Stage Anglais Bac Pro Eleec
Année 2013/ 2014 NOM : Prénom : Section : Page de garde Titre de l’épreuve et année (en haut, centré) Nom et photo de l’entreprise (au milieu, centré) Votre nom et prénom, section (en bas à droite) Remerciements Remerciements des personnes et professionnels vous ayant aider. Introduction Présenter l’entreprise :
1 046 Mots / 5 Pages -
Rapport tesco
Consultancy Report: Table of Contents Terms of reference 2 Introduction 2 Procedure 2 Analysis 3 Lack of accounting, efficiency and management 3 Rising competition 3 Customers’ behaviour 4 Conclusion 4 Recommendations 5 ________________ Terms of reference Tesco requested this report to NARA Consultancy in order to resolve problems in their
1 231 Mots / 5 Pages -
Rapport Wellness in university
Our mission consists in establishing the "Wellness" in our University. With for objective improve the living conditions within the University, to organize our student life around the well-being to feel better mentally but also physically. Thus we studied the problems to propose solutions to remedy it. In the university there
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React to an article
Dear journalists and readers of the newspaper The Guardian, After reading your article on your website titled ''Wal-Mart Worker Killed in Black Friday Shopping Stampede’’, released on November 29, 2008, that really appealed to me, I had to react. I usually just read your articles and talk about them to
347 Mots / 2 Pages -
Reading Guide 1 – The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency
Reading Guide 1 – The No. 1 Ladies’ Detective Agency Read chapters 1 to 4 and answer the following questions. Bring your answers to class week 4. Reading Comprehension: /34 1.What kind of business is operated by Mma Ramotswe in Botswana? A detective agency. 2. What is the distinction held
588 Mots / 3 Pages -
REAL LIFE HEROES AND HEROINES 1. Find out which real life heroes and heroines each text is referring to : 1. Anne Franck B-Pablo Picasso C-Mother Teresa D-Meg Ryan E- Nelson Mandela 2. Answer the following questions : 1. Did you know some of these heroes / heroines ? Which
338 Mots / 2 Pages -
Rebranding Bayeux
3. International 1. International & Bayeux To develop the international side of the city of Bayeux, we suggest highlighting its partnership with its five twin cities: Eindhoven in the Netherlands, Lübbecke in Germany, Dorchester in England, Voss in Norway and Chojnice in Poland. We thought about organizing correspondence with the
371 Mots / 2 Pages -
Recap of a journey in Africa
Hello ! My name is Celina Ayo, i'm an american photograph. Last month, i visited the countries in the Horn of Africa like Ethiopia, Somalia or Kenya.They are part of the poorest countries of the world.I was shocked by the human situation. There is a big crisis caused by Severe
341 Mots / 2 Pages -
Récapitulatif séquence “My first job in a firm”
Travail récapitulatif vacances Récapitulatif séquence “My first job in a firm” 1. Voici le lien Quizlet pour revoir tout le vocabulaire utile : 2. Surligner en jaune, l’auxiliaire dans chaque phrase. Puis traduisez chacune des phrases 1. I don’t work with her : ……………………………………………………………….. 2. Does she often travel
265 Mots / 2 Pages