Rapport de stage en anglais.
Rapport de stage : Rapport de stage en anglais.. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Jihane Adib • 29 Novembre 2016 • Rapport de stage • 545 Mots (3 Pages) • 820 Vues
Internship report
BTS Assistante de Gestion PME - PMI
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2015 – 2017
N° immatricule
First of all, I worked for a year in a company called Consensus. Consensus is a company founded in two thousand six and it is a debt collection agency. That is to say that this company must obtain the release of the debtors. Consensus employs seventeen persons and in two thousand and five it achieved a turnover of 60,289 €.
In this company I had to :
- welcome and inform customers and interns. The company used to hire interns. I think that it is because it is easy to recruit interns rather than employ employees. What’s more it can be free.
- look for suppliers, in fact I had to do some research on the Internet in order to compare suppliers’ offers. The purpose of this task was to find a supplier with whom we could place frequent orders.
I had to do this because the company reference supplier closed his company
- place an order. After finding a supplier, the director asked me to place an order and to make an order tracking
- inform the director. Finally, when I did all these tasks the director wanted me to make a report about the order tracking.
In order to complete my task I had a computer, software and some company papers. I also could access the break room.
I worked from 8 : 30 am to 4 : 30 pm with two 15 minutes break (one break the morning and one break the afternoon). I had a one hour food break at 12 o’clock.
As for what I liked, I appreciated the confidence they had in me. In fact, I had to use certain documents which, I think, some companies would not agree to foreign. I also liked the responsibilities they gave me (the reception of clients or a trainee: they influence the image of the corporation). Despite the fact that the company frequently welcomes trainees, the director has no procedure to meet them. It was difficult to explain the whole business working all the time especially when they receive two employees alternately, for example, two different days. The director asked me to set up a reception procedure to facilitate their integration into society.
However, I did not like the ambiance at the hotel. In fact people were cold, there was not enough communication between people. For example, at the break, nobody spoke with anyone else. Everyone was with his phone and his helmet.
Nevertheless, this experience was beneficial. This allowed me to apply what I learned in training, it enabled me to develop my skills and this particularly helped me to better understand the functioning of a company.
Thanks to this, I hope I can find a job more easily..
To finish I will relate a fact which I had to solve : the company frequently welcomes interns but it did not have a procedure in order to meet them. It was difficult to explain all the company functionnement all the time especially when they receive two intern with two difference day. So the director has asked me to set up a welcome procedure.