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Rapport De Stage Anglais

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Par   •  12 Octobre 2014  •  497 Mots (2 Pages)  •  1 092 Vues

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Hello, My name is Chloé marine, i have seventeen years, i study a BTEC in customer service in the vocational school . I going to present my trainning in the association.

But first, il will give you informations about my association.

My association is called « la maison joues » directed by the presidente Lelous Stéphanie. My trainning responsable was Recher Manon and under she oder there are three collegues namely izilda, pascal and Laetitia.

The association has been created the five of october 2011.

Every morning, i began to start at nine a.m to one p.m and get back at two p.m to 5 p.m

The wesday afternoon the association it’s close.

My relation with my trainning responsable was Strictly professional.

La fabrique solidaires des minimes has for activity to help quite public to perform administrative cases, to follow certain people for professional projects and Meals chat.

The meals chat consist in discussing on a debate around several dishes which every person returned, the debates changed every two weeks.

In the association "lmj " I often worked on the reception but sometime cast in the office to make administrative inscription of the meetings, make statistics.

I had to welcome the people who entered, every person who entered I had to note their name on an exercise book to assess at the end of the month the number of people who entered. When there wasn’t anybody has the reception , I helped my colleagues, my colleagues helped the people who do not manage to perform administrative documents, I helped them from time to time. I answered the telephone when my colleagues were occupied.

I made an appointment for the psychologist whom it was there that on Friday afternoon, and I register in the list all the people who wish to join the meal discusses on Thursday afternoon.

I worked alone but sometimes my training responsable came to help me when there were a lot of people.

My schedule was 9:12 am to 1:17 pm, I made opening hours and closure of the association. My hours of break were 12 am to 1pm , and some time I had breaks of 10 minutes when nobody was there . My days off were Saturday and Sunday

I had no special dress code, I could get dressed as I wanted.

A person goes into the association I the reception and asks him or her if it is the first time which comes here or if he’s already came previously, he answers me that it is the first time, I go away and return him or her a questionnairy, which performs. Having finished I ask him or her if I can help or if he has a meeting, he answers me that he would like to joins the meal discusses Thursday of the week. I inform him a little about the meal discusses who consists in returning a dish to share with people of the district. He answers me that there are no concerns, of the blow I register him and he goes away.


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