- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

Rapport Stage Anglais

Mémoires Gratuits : Rapport Stage Anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Octobre 2013  •  246 Mots (1 Pages)  •  1 023 Vues


In the context of the first year of the BTS in International trade, we have the chance to practice an internship in a foreign country for eight weeks.

I chose this BTS because I really wanted to have the opportunity to practice an internship abroad having since always a taste for travelling. In addition, at first I thought I wanted to make short studies, but more and more I think I want to continue in the field of marketing, but I still have not ideas about the specific job that I would like to exercise.

During this internship, my main mission was to prospect new customers for the company, using the knowledge gained throughout the year, tools and techniques provided for this purpose.


To find this internship, I received help from one of my comrades, who the previous year had performed her internship in the same company. Therefore, she provided me the details and I sent my resume and cover letter by email. After a few exchanges of emails and a phone call, the response was fairly quick, response which was positive.

The firm’s name is Ali's Market. It sells children's apparel, accessories and gifts to specialty stores, boutiques and department stores. Its mission is to provide retailers with unique, eye-catching, comfortable clothing for girls and boys from newborn to size 14. The showroom features a vast selection of stylish fashions by designer names such as Coccoli, Kicky Pants, Meg Dana & Co., and ESME to name just a few.


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