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Rapport Wellness in university

Dissertation : Rapport Wellness in university. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  25 Octobre 2016  •  Dissertation  •  436 Mots (2 Pages)  •  739 Vues

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Our mission consists in establishing the "Wellness" in our University.

With for objective improve the living conditions within the University, to organize our student life around the well-being to feel better mentally but also physically.

Thus we studied the problems to propose solutions to remedy it.

In the university there are many problems of absenteeism, the results are decreasing and many stress. Many studies proved that pupils who feeling better, work better. Work in a healthier place, with better conditions, where we feel good favor the success in the studies.

Our objective is to connect the useful for the pleasant.

It is for what in good pupils' representing we present you some proposals which can remedy the evoked problems.

1- The first one is a rest room, it is an idea which comes to us from our friends of Miami. They established a program named "BrainGain" who favors the well-being of the pupils. It is an idea which we can also install here because many of us shall wish to rest a little between two courses.

In this video, we can see a young student who before going there to owe is going to rest about 5minutes in the rest room of his university.  

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2- The second is the distribution of punnet of fruits every morning and free to the pupils who wish it.

Fruits favor the concentration, give some energy: all of which need a pupil of our age.

3- And thirdly, one university association taking care of the health of the pupils by making releases, talk groups, and so on. To feel better with the others and within our establishment.

There are these kind of associations all around the world.

The most known are ACHA.

In this document we can read their background, roles, history and objectives, how they act and who they aim. Well on their first objective is the health of the pupils.

They have create "Healthy Campus" a good program for install Wellness all around the world.

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 4- Night's club

The bar will be led up by two barmen students. We shall find there only soft drinks. A competition will be organised  at the biginning of the year to determine the Dj of the campus. A party will be organised every mounth with tickets at 5 euros, the money collected with be used to renoved the University.

5- Workshop of healthycooking

Its a workshop wich allow to learn how to cook healthy and well balanst meals. This workshop will take place everyday between noon and afternoon. It will permite student to cook their arm dish and to consume it at the University.


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