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Repercussions of ten-point plan of Helmut Kohl

Dissertation : Repercussions of ten-point plan of Helmut Kohl. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  8 Décembre 2012  •  Dissertation  •  1 336 Mots (6 Pages)  •  1 632 Vues

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Repercussion of ten-point plan of Helmut Kohl

The end of World War II officially ends on September 3, 1945. This having engendered consequences across the globe as causalities, cities totally destroyed, etc. It has also allowed the United States as well as Russia to stand out globally due to their rapid emergence. The two countries then become two global economic powers in the world. Those two powers didn’t have the same vision of how a country should be run. A strong ideological and political rivalry was born. This big difference of opinion was feeling everywhere during the Cold War and especially in Berlin itself, where the city was separated between the allies: U.S, France, Britain and Russia in four parties. In 1949, the western becomes the Federal Republic of Germany (FRG) led mainly by the United Stated and east becomes Democratic Republic of Germany (DRG) led by the Union Soviet Socialist Republics (USSR). To stop the Cold War and to establish a climate of peace in Germany, the chancellor Helmut Kohl of FRG proposed a ten-point plan to reunify the two Germany to form only one. This plan had good repercussion on relations between countries in Europe and in the world. Those relations had a good impact on the international economy.

First of all, the ten-point plan of Helmut Kohl had a positive effect on international relation because it permitted to decrease the communist ideology in the world. The purpose of his plan was to reunify Germany. On November 28th 1989, some days after the fall of the Berlin

Wall the Chancellor presented his plan to the parliament. This presentation had repercussions in Europe than permitted to realize the unification of the Democratic Republic of Germany

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and Federal Republic of Germany to form the actual Germany. France and Great Britain were against this unification at the beginning because those two countries were still afraid of what Germany can do. But the United States totally approved the ten-point plan of Helmut Kohl because the signification of the union mean that the capitalist grow is influence in the world and the collapse of the communist. The Cold War, that opposed two ideologies which are capitalist and communist, ended in the early 90s. The big tension between East Berlin and West Berlin represented communist of U.S.S.R and capitalist of United-States. The fact that the soviet system lost his power in many countries including East Berlin city with the fall of the Berlin wall constructed by soviet system, meant that capitalist system grew his power. The ideology of communist crumbled and there was nothing to separate the world into two. Also, the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics thought that the unification was inevitable. Then, Mikhail Gorbachev, the president of U.S.S.R. in 1990 to 1991, decided to make a plan called the Modrow plan with four steps that permit him to keep his power in the future Germany in prevision with the unification. This was really good for the DRG and the FRG because the reaction of the U.S.S.R. president to Helmut Kohl plan to be agree to unified the two Germany permitted to the population of DRG to form group against the communist power that control everything. In fact, the official opposition group to the government in place formed the "Sozialdemokratische Deutsche Parte (SDP)" (Germany Social Democratic Party). The population was able and had the right to express their politic position without any scare. The ten-point plan of the Chancellor Helmut Kohl has had good impact on international relations because of the fall of communist and the reunification of Germany reflect the end of

Cold War which means the return to peace in the world that promotes exchanges between countries.

Secondly, the plan of Helmut Kohl had permitted the reunification of Germany.

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This had a positive impact on international economic relations between countries. In fact, the

reunification had an impact on the relation between United-States and USSR. Tension between those countries decreased


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