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Robbie, I, Robot

Compte rendu : Robbie, I, Robot. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  16 Février 2021  •  Compte rendu  •  381 Mots (2 Pages)  •  420 Vues

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'Robbie', I, Robot

1)        a) Mrs Weston and her husband George.

        b) Gloria their daughter / Robbie the robot / The neighbors.

2) Mrs Weston is the wife of George and they have a daughter named Gloria. Robbie is the nurse and the friend of Gloria.

3)         a)The parents talk about the robot and the influence it has on their daughter.


        b)The atmosphere is tense as both parents discuss the future of the robot and their daughter. « Mrs. Weston waited patiently for two minutes, then impatiently for two more, and finally broke the silence » she's really concerned and nervous about the presence of the robot but on the contrary the father is not worried about the presence of Robbie because he’s benefic for Gloria. « His entire “mentality” has been created for the purpose. He just can’t help being faithful and loving and kind. »

4) Robbie is used to a lot of things : the nurse, a member of the family, a friend. « He just can’t help being faithful and loving and kind »

5) On the one hand, Mrs. Weston is worried because at first she was okay with the buy of the robot, but now she's probably afraid that the robot will end up replacing her role as a mother. The disadvantages she finds at the machine are for example: "It has no soul, and no one knows what it may be thinking. A child just isn't made to be guarded by a thing of metal," she now finds only disadvantages to this robot. On the contrary, Mr. Weston sees only advantages, he loves this robot and finds it does his job very well. Moreover, he has a strength argument, he says that the robot will never be able to make mistakes because there is the rule of the three laws of robotics : « You know that it is impossible for a robot to harm a human being; that long before enough can go wrong to alter that First Law, a robot would be completely inoperable. It’s a mathematical impossibility. »


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