- Dissertations, fiches de lectures, exemples du BAC

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4 728 Archives du BAC dissertations gratuites 3 661 - 3 675

  • Should Britain apologize for its colonial past?

    Should Britain apologize for its colonial past?

    Should Britain apologize for its colonial past? Apologize=regret but not praise Its colonial past: only negative aspects? (Wars, white supremacy, hunger, religious conversion) Apologize to whom? The locals, their heads of state, The Commonwealth Why? To soothe tensions, to repair the past Guerre des Malouines: The Falklands (1982) Apologize: to

    318 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Should college athletes be paid ?

    Should college athletes be paid ?

    College athletes pass a long time on the field representing their schools and make it wins. However they do not receive any compensations , like their studies paid, from the schools.Some may disagree and say it is unfair for students that attend university but that are not athletes to pay

    438 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Should humans invade Mars better than saving earth ?

    EXTRA WRITING TASK The Universe, has always been a big fascination for every humans on earth. In fact the question about space is not new. In 1896, the american astronomer Percival Lowell built his own observatory to prove his foolish theory : Mars has life. Nowadays, the earth amount 7

    465 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Should humans limitate the evolution of science in the name of ethic ?

    Should humans limitate the evolution of science in the name of ethic ?

    3hould Humans limitate the evolution of Science in the name of ethics? FOR AGAINST * If we continue like this, if the science continues to growth that fast, the evolve of Science will make that we won t be humans anymore * We try to modify to much the Natur

    473 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Should I boycott Macdonald's for environmental reasons?

    Should I boycott Macdonald's for environmental reasons?

    The planet is heading for an environmental crisis. Indeed, the environmental issue is at the heart of our news. We can therefore wonder whether we should avoid dealing with the big multinationals to protect the environment. In this essay, we will study the case of McDonald’s. It represents one of

    513 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Should political parties promoting racialist ideas be censored?

    Should political parties promoting racialist ideas be censored?

    Should political parties promoting racialist ideas be censored? Nowadays and ever since people have fought for their human rights, they have set up –in some countries- a system of democracy which allow them to choose their leader by voting. In the United States for example, the different political parties present

    528 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Should students wear uniforms ?

    Should students wear uniforms ?

    Should Students Have To Wear Uniforms ? Do you think you would feel better going to a school where everyone is dressed the same as you? It is actually a tradition in Great Britain for students to wear uniforms at school. According to a survey on RTL radio, 67 percent

    993 Mots / 4 Pages
  • Should Teachers Be armed in Schools - English presentation

    Should Teachers Be armed in Schools - English presentation

    SHOULD TEACHERS BE ARMED IN SCHOOLS Today’s presentation deals with arming teachers in schools. As we know, in the USA there are a lot of young people who have guns on them. It is becoming a real problem for the american society that these youngters can have guns and use

    417 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Should Uk have a written constitution ?

    Should Uk have a written constitution ?

    The United Kingdom is along with Israel, the two only democracies in the world that do not have a written constitution. The United Kingdom have an “unwritten” one formed of the acts of parliament, convention and court judgment. Constitutions are the foundation for most of the nations in the world.

    380 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Should we get rid of the electoral college ?

    Should we get rid of the electoral college ?

    Thesis statement : should we get rid of the Electoral College ? Back with the founding father: _tried to avoid monarchy _some who thought the congress should elect the president: way much power, things could get corrupt very fast _ president elected by the popular vote: lots of people couldn’t

    1 575 Mots / 7 Pages
  • Should we revive extinct species

    Should we revive extinct species

    KOK Yip Kévin English : Should we revive extinct species ? I will introduce the concept of extinct species. An "extinct species" is a species of organism that can no longer be found in the earth because the environment has not been favorable to its survival. For example, we can

    322 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Should Wikileaks be limited or not ?

    Should Wikileaks be limited or not ?

    Dear Sir, By sending you this letter, I would like to submit my contribution to your article about Wikileaks, in The Sydney Morning Herald. Firstly, I thought about a very important thing in my mind  : freedom of speech. Actually, Wikileaks could be the definition of freedom of speach. I

    394 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Should zoos be abolished ?

    Essay Should zoos be abolished? As you know it, a zoo is an establishment which maintains a collection of wild animals, typically in parks or closed spaces. I believe the main criteria that distinguishes if zoos should be abolished or not is the aim of the zoo. I think that

    391 Mots / 2 Pages
  • Show the diversity of cultures in Britain

    Show the diversity of cultures in Britain

    SHOW THE DIVERSITY OF CULTURES IN BRITAIN INTRO The notion I’m going to deal with is Places and exchanges. In order to illustrate it, I have chosen to talk about Britain and show its diversity of cultures. Firstly, I will concentrate on diversity in Britain, then I will talk about

    724 Mots / 3 Pages
  • Shrek report

    Shrek report

    Shrek Report 14/04/2022 Shrek is not an average family cartoon. It is jolly and wicked, somehow possessing a heart. Shrek is a 2001 animated comedy film and it stars Mike Myers, Eddie Murphy, Cameron Diaz, John Lithgow as the voices of the lead characters. The film parodies other fairy tale

    478 Mots / 2 Pages
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