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Should humans invade Mars better than saving earth ?

Compte rendu : Should humans invade Mars better than saving earth ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  17 Février 2021  •  Compte rendu  •  465 Mots (2 Pages)  •  406 Vues

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The Universe, has always been a big fascination for every humans on earth. In fact the question about space is not new. In 1896, the american astronomer Percival Lowell built his own observatory to prove his foolish theory : Mars has life. Nowadays, the earth amount 7 billion humans, due to this overpopulation, the question about the colonization of Mars is really came up . But should humans explore the universe or focusing on Earth ?

We are going to in first explain you the exploration of the universe, and these actors, secondly the the impacts and consequences of the earth and finally the others actors who is against the exploration of the universe.

Human space exploration helps to address fundamental questions about our place in the universe, and the history of our solar system. Some explorers may visit near-earth asteroids where we may get answers to the questions humans have always asked. Elon musk, Stephen Hawkin, TimUrban and Buzz Aldrin think that colonise Mars is a good solution for mankind’s survival because our planet is unstable since the periodt Antrhopocene.

There are a lot of potential dangers, both inside like climate change, and war, or outside like meteorite or asteroid ; Moreover, epidemics and population growth, our generation has a phenomen of an overpopulation, and these all phenomens could make our planet vulnerable or precarious. In fact as you could understand the exploration of the universe and the inovation of Mars is a whole generation dream. An thanks to the new advances and new technologies which are increasingly innovated, the dream could be fulfilled.

But even if the exploration of the universe has always been a fascination for humans, according to the etzionis the idea to focus of the invasion of Mars and the exploration of the universe couldn’t be a good idea. They think about the fact that we should focus on fixing the real problem which is the earth and the climate change rather than fixing of the invasion and exploration of the universe. Futhermore, colonising Mars would be costly and expensive. Mostly Mars is a hostile environment and it doesn’t assure a safe security for humans. Therefore « there is no planet B », since the only planet that humans have is the earth.

In conclusion we inderstood that the exploration of the universe could be a veritable fascination for the humans on the Earth. Afterwards some exploraters and scientits have done some researchers, to make this fascination into a reality. Nevertheless this exploration cause some controversy. Some humans want to colonize Mars whereas some ecologist think about that it could be better to fixing about the problems of Earth. But which ideas could we choose ? What is better for humans ?

Névine Fékih T03


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