The idea of progress: should we be afraid of losing our humanity to machines as we progress?
Cours : The idea of progress: should we be afraid of losing our humanity to machines as we progress?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar bribesdevie • 29 Mai 2018 • Cours • 699 Mots (3 Pages) • 1 927 Vues
Study the three documents in connection with the Idea of Progress. Think of a question related to the notion and answer it using the three documents but also the other material you have studied. Write an essay.
We usually associate a positive idea about progress. In science for example, the contribution of new knowledge can transform and improve our condition. It’s the case for example with the creation of new technologies like the artificial intelligence. It’s a set of theories and techniques implemented to create machines capable of simulating human intelligence. However, it’s interesting to ask if the scientific progress is always in phase with the progress of human’s conditions. Should we be afraid of losing our humanity to machines as we progress? Indeed, even though this scientific breakthrough can be a source of hope for researchers, it nevertheless raises serious humanity preoccupations.
Artificial intelligence can drastically improve our quality of life. Indeed, thanks to it we can win lot time and energy ; some robots can already perform household chores. In the future, they could help to look after elderly. They will probably entertain and take care of children. Doctor Michio Kaku, a physicist, predicts that, in 2020, intelligence will be in every object, even in car. Furthermore, scientific progress allows to create machine able to rival humans in some games. One of the first historical performance has been awarded to the computer Watson, a robot gamer who played at jeopardy against humans and won. This ability could allow, for the future, to create artificial intelligence able to stimulate humans, make them want to always do better. Moreover, artificial intelligence allows to deepen researches. Effectively, as the document Creating intelligent machines mentions, machines are now able to reproduce the human visual and auditory cortex. Research seems to be in a period of major revolution. That’s what Doctor Kaku develops in the documentary the intelligence revolution. He says that in 2020, an enormous civilizational revolution will take place. We can suppose that he refers to the concept of “singularity technical” which evoke the idea that artificial intelligent will reach a point of development which will make them able to improve themselves and create new technologies that go beyond human’s capacities. Thenceforth, thanks to it, scientific’s researches will improve for our best.
However, even if that progress can seem brilliant, some aspects of these progress are very worrisome concerning human condition. The main drawback of using robots in the workplace is that they are made redundant, people lose their jobs. Indeed, if car become intelligent, as Doctor Kaku says, there will be no need for taxi and train’s driver. Again, if robots become able to help children or look after elderly, there will be no need for auxiliary of life. Another downside concerning robots is that programs aren't understand by humans ; this can be very dangerous. Machines can take control over us unintentionally. They are governed by programs and don’t have mind to think and analyse further than the program. It’s the case in the extract The materializer of the novel entitled a lot to learn written by R.T. Kurosaka, where a man, Ted, burn in hell because of a lack of attention. The machine that he has create only do what he tells him without considering the notions of pain, joy, life and death. In other words, robots aren’t conscientious. This novel may be considered as a critic to the three rules devised by Isaac Asimov in 1952 which were designed to protect people from harm. Nonetheless, we realized that they were limited and difficult to apply and could go against humans.