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The idea of progress: Should we fear the progress ?

Dissertation : The idea of progress: Should we fear the progress ?. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  5 Juin 2016  •  Dissertation  •  906 Mots (4 Pages)  •  2 481 Vues

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The notion I'm going to deal with is « The idea of progress ». In th cambridge dictionnary, progress refers to a movement foward and the improvement of someone or something. The efinition corresponding to my oral presentation is rather is the second one, that's to say, the idea that sciences and technologies can help poeple to evolved and make things for improve the society, and why not the world.

I would like to illustrate this notion by discussing the following problematic « Should we fear the progress ?» .

Tht's the reason wgy will, in a first part, explain that the progress can be dangerous for human being. Finally, in a second part, i will discuss taht the progress can be n opportunity for human being.

First of all, we are going to talk about the progress that an be a danger for us, for human. So, if we take the exampl of robot, to all apparances they are cool, they are clever, but in reality we fear that one day they become cleverer than men like Waston in Jeopardy game, in the article extracted from the Huffigton Post deals with computer technology intelligence. Watson is IBM's new supercomputer wich succeed in beating two thougt human competitors at “jopardy”, a challenging Tv quizz show. It's victory was considered as a fantastic breakthrough in th field of artificial intelligence, indeed nobody expected a machine to outwit humans in understanding the clues faster than them. Futhermore its able to understand subtle puns and jokes. This invention keep getting smarter, they may be, one day, capable of doing something comparable to human intelligence. To put it in a nushell, they may replace us. In addition to in Brave new world written by Huxley, tell us that the narrator cloning human, uses a Bokanovsky process. The aim of Bokanovsky process is to create identical human being who they are submissive, obedient so the major aim is that the clone can never critizize the system. The tecnology based society divised by Huxley is a totalitarian society, a dystopia to say differently. Moreover, in th cartoons called “odd man out” wich depicts 5 men in a conveyor belt, 4 men are identical and 1 is completly different. A pairs of flies lifting him in other throw him away in a skip because he has a lot of flaws, the aim of the cartoon is to denounce Eugenics, that's to say the science wich studies methods of improving the geneticcomposition of th human race by selective breeding. In this picture we can see that is denouces too is the desire to create a perfect men, in the same logics of the bokanovsky process, that's to say submissive and obedient human. Finally in the trailer Code 46 movie of Marie Michael Winterbottom, tell us a love story in wich the romance is doomed by genetic incompatibility,wich is one of the disaster of progress. Then in an other trailer My sister keeper tell us the story that a genitically designed child decided to sue her parent, that show us the worst side of science ans progress, parent are use his properly child as a solution to cure they other child.

So, Secondly, we are going to study that the progress is essential to evolve. Indeed in a medical field, progress can be a olution to cure, indeed if we take the example of Hugh Herr,was professor in MIT, he has a mountain accident in 1982,his 2 legs are amputed and he has used biomecatronics


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