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Idea of progress : Should we be worried about human cloning in the future ?

Dissertation : Idea of progress : Should we be worried about human cloning in the future ?. Recherche parmi 302 000+ dissertations

Par   •  15 Février 2020  •  Dissertation  •  531 Mots (3 Pages)  •  820 Vues

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ORAL ANGLAIS- Idea of progress

First of all, I would like to give a definition of Idea of progress. The notion can be defined as follow: Progress is a question of moving on and evolving positively. So scientific progress has its benefits but it can also have its downside as humanity, is faced with the impact of climate change. The issue I want to raise is: ‘Should we be worried about human cloning in the future ? » First yes we should be worried about human cloning (in the future). Secondly no we shouldn’t be worried about human cloning (in the future).

First of all, Human cloning could be dangerous because reproductive cloning would diminish the sense of uniqueness. It would violate deeply and widely held conviction concerning human individuality and freedom. For example, we studied a cartoon: « Odd man out ». On the picture we can see 5 men on a conveyer belt four of whom seems to be in perfect shape. One of them seems weaker than the other. We can see him getting grabbed by a claw. In the foreground, there is some sort of dumpster full of people with deformities. So we can assume that the feeble man is going to get rejected too because of his different appearance. So Eugenics can be a way of « enhancing » the Human species that could lead to a society with identical people without characteristics. Moreover, reproductive cloning is unsafe. For example we studied a video which mention Dolly the sheep, the first cloned mammal. At least 95% (ninety five percent) of mammalian cloning experiments have resulted in failure with forms of miscarriages, stillbirths and life-threatening anomalies. Some expert believes that no clones are fully healthy. The technique could not be developed for humans because it’s not safe for them and it is risky.

Secondly, Human cloning could be a good option. Reproductive cloning can provide genetically related children for people who cannot be helped by other fertility treatments. For instance we studied a video of CBS entitled designers babies. This video sheds light on the issue of trait selection. One of the professors, Professor Steinberg said that designers baby will become a big issue in the next 10 years. Moreover designer baby could eliminate disease. Thus, parents who have disease could choice not transmitting their genetic disease. For example,  we worked on an article from the Daily Mail entitled « A baby boy was created by genetic engineering to save his sister ». Molly, a little girl of 6 years, was born with a genetic disorder  which weakens the immune system. Molly’s only hope of survival was a stem-cell transplant. So her parents with a medical assistance conceived a sibling to save their daughter. So her brother Adam was the world’s first designer baby and Molly’s mother said that she has 2 healthy children. So human cloning help this family and especially Molly to grow up healthy.

To conclude, everybody must be careful with human cloning because there are many consequences and Human do not control everything so it’s could be dangerous. But human cloning has also positive aspects because this technique could save people or help infertile parents.


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