BAC Anglais LV1
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Shutter Island, Martin Scorsese
Introduction: Today we will will be analyzing the first scenes of Martin Scorsese's Shutter Island. Shutter Island is an American Thriller from 2010 It tells the story of eddy Daniels, a US Marshall, who has been put on the case of investigating a disappearance of a patient at a mental
708 Mots / 3 Pages -
Si c'est un homme
La stratégie argumentative de Montaigne “Barbare” et “sauvage” : des définitions relatives. 1 §, M relativise termes “barbare” et “sauvage”. Tournure négative : “il n’y a rien de barbare et de sauvage dans cette nation” (l. 1)→ montre qu’il va à l’encontre des idées reçues de ses contemporains. Il définit
792 Mots / 4 Pages -
Siemen's new strategy : re-engineering
Siemens’s new strategy : Re-engineering What we have here is a press article adapted from The Economist, an organization which edit several articles of many anonymous journalists. It was published the 27th of October 2012. It deals with the Siemens Industry, some difficulties and strategic mistakes encountered by this worldwide
377 Mots / 2 Pages -
Simple present
The present simple 1. Form Affirmative: I work, you work, he/she/it works, we work, they work. * NOT : he work in a bank Negative: I/you/we/they do not (don’t) work, he/she/it does not (doesn’t) work. * NOT: she doesn’t to work in a bank or she doesn’t works in a
961 Mots / 4 Pages -
Simulation entreprise
Kevin : Hello everyone, it’s your favorite host Mr.jarnoux here on BBC One, today we’re Welcoming Mr. “Gouillard”, director of Michelin, who’s here to talk to us about his company. Hello mr. « Gouillard» , how are you doing today ? Alexis : I’m good, Thank you so much for
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Singapore, A global city and a place of power.
SINGAPORE: A GLOBAL CITY AND A PLACE OF POWER Singapore plays an important role in the global economic system. It fulfills many of the characteristics of a global city: wealthy, diverse, connected, and creative. Its strategic location in South Asia makes it an ideal space of economic and financial exchange
437 Mots / 2 Pages -
Singing for a new life
I choose the song sung by Tracy Chapman entitled “Born to fight”. This protest song is in the album “Crossroads” realised in 1989 (nineteen eighty-nine) more precisely the 3rd (third) October 1989. This album is a folk rock one and has been produced by Tracy Chapman herself with David Kershenbaum.
450 Mots / 2 Pages -
Singing for a new life
I choose the song sung by Tracy Chapman entitled “Born to fight”. This protest song is in the album “Crossroads” realised in 1989 (nineteen eighty-nine) more precisely the 3rd (third) October 1989. This album is a folk rock one and has been produced by Tracy Chapman herself with David Kershenbaum.
448 Mots / 2 Pages -
Sites and forms power: to what extent universities are instruments of power?
Sites and Forms of Power Speaking of places, sites and forms of power we have to define power. Power is the ability to decide, to control others, events, or resources; the ability to make things happen despite obstacles, resistance, or opposition. This of course leads to conflict between those who
945 Mots / 4 Pages -
Situation professionnelle : Comment s’établissent les relations entre l’entreprise et son environnement économique ?
SITUATION PROFESSIONNELLE 3 Descriptif COMPÉTENCES DES DOMAINES D’ACTIVITÉ 1 ET 4 T.1.3.1 Accueil, information et conseils T.1.3.2 Traitement et suivi des réclamations T 1.3.3 Communication pour développer la relation client COMPÉTENCES TRANSVERSALES DE COMMUNICATION S 5.1. Enjeux et concepts de base de communication S 5.2. Communication écrite opérationnelle (en langue
1 265 Mots / 6 Pages -
Situation professionnelle : Comment s’établissent les relations entre l’entreprise et son environnement économique ?
DEMARCHE DE SOINS MME P Synthèse Il s’agit de Madame P Madeleine, née le 4 aout 1924, âgée de 92 ans. Elle pèse 49,5 kilos pour 1, 55 m soit un IMC de 20,90 correspondant à une corpulence normale. C’est une ancienne mécanographe. Elle vivait auparavant au 7ème étage avec
1 184 Mots / 5 Pages -
Sujet de type II Le personnage de Tante Geneviève occupe un rôle centrale dans l’Illusions Comiques d’Olivier Py. Pièce datant de 2006, Illusions Comiques fut écrite et mise en scène par Olivier Py, qui y joue le rôle de Moi-Même, auprès de ses compagnons de théâtre de toujours Mademoiselle Mazev,
2 373 Mots / 10 Pages -
Skills in Hospitality industry
Skills in the hospitality industry Skills – compétence the job market – le marché du travail What you are able to do : as a cook/waiter/receptionist Speak foreign language/fluently/bilingual/(beginner, intermediate, advanced) , using kitchen equipement, and utensils, preparing fish, managing a team, basic technics, organising receptions, flaming, caving, knowledge in
824 Mots / 4 Pages -
Slavery like places
English presentation Victor Regina & Noah Borgognon 1. Write key points that sum up the articles There are nearly 36 million slaves in the world. Slaves are mostly located in Asia and Africa. The country where there is the most slavery is Mauritania. Slaves are used to bounded labour, carry
883 Mots / 4 Pages -
Slovakia essay
Slovakia In 2004, there was a enlargement of the European Union. Slovakia became a member state in May 2004. The country was on the official candidates list since 1995. Who could predicted that this country, appeared after the fall of Czechoslovakia would be a one day in European Union? Therefore,
481 Mots / 2 Pages