La police aux Etats Unis
Dissertation : La police aux Etats Unis. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar kagnouma marna • 18 Mars 2017 • Dissertation • 452 Mots (2 Pages) • 648 Vues
Michael Brown
Police abuses her power in the face of the afro American?
Michael Brown is a young afro American of 18 who went to school in Missouri or he lived, he was a child quiet he had no criminal record.
On Saturday, August 9, Michael Brown and Dorian Johnson a friend of him heading to the House of the grandmother of Brown. At this time, a police officer directs his vehicle toward them and the police officer Darren Wilson shot Michael while he was in the car.
One of the witnesses will give a sequence of events is described in different ways according to witnesses:
- According to police, Wilson acted in self-defence.
-According to witnesses, Michael Brown is shot while he had his hands in the air.
The facts have not been filmed so we won't know the real truth of what actually happened.
The case caused riots and protests in ferguson with racial tensions and discrimination among the strongest in the United States. The event gets international media coverage, being compared by some commentators to the Trayvon case Martin is a media and judicial controversy from the shooting death of Trayvon Martin, a young African American 17, unarmed, in February 2012 Florida. George Zimmerman, a Latin American policeman for 28 years, is the author of death of Trayvon killed him by ball following a violent altercation between Zimmerman and Trayvon, because he found suspicious trayvon and Zimmerman took a fatal shot at point-blank range directly on Martin's chest.
When the police arrived at the scene, Zimmerman said that Martin had attacked him and that he had shot, citing self-defense. Zimmerman was bleeding of the nose and two vertical lacerations from the back of his skull. Relief healed Zimmerman on-site, whereupon he was taken to the police station where he was questioned for about five hours. He was then released without charge, the police finding right there giving evidence involved the deposition of Zimmerman.
The circumstances of the death of Martin Trayvon, initial decision not to indict Zimmerman, and the debate on the questioning of the named law ("law defend your territory" by his supporters "Shoot first" by his opponents received special attention as well to the United States than in the rest of the world.)
The trial of Zimmerman started in 2013. The jury found Zimmerman not guilty of all charges against him. The verdict caused a wave of indignation in the United States, especially in the African-American community.
This case resulted in many events.
They are at least 123 to have been slaughtered in 2016 by the police of the same kind that Michael Brown and Trayvon, this number of murders shows that police officers abuse their power and that they don't are even not charged.