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Presentation about Canada

Dissertation : Presentation about Canada. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  20 Mars 2017  •  Dissertation  •  2 219 Mots (9 Pages)  •  1 004 Vues

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So we chose to talk about Canada today, and more precisely about moving to Canada. Nowadays, we noticed that there is a misrepresentation about immigration in Canada, about the experience of moving to Canada. A kind of myth was created around this: in our minds, moving to Canada is super easy. To us, it’s just a matter of willingness. We think that this a country with no real borders which kind of accept anyone willing to integrate. We also believe that this country is full of opportunity (job opportunities) compared to other western countries and that it is really easy to become integrated.

This vision of Canada has been confirmed in the recent news if you look at the American election for instance. Many Americans disappointed by the result of the election thought moving to avoid Trump presidency. Indeed, many newspapers explained that during the night of the election Americans crashed The Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website. And also many newspapers have considered the vision American people had on Canada. *One of them is The Guardian. In the article “”Move to Canada” threats return – but actually emigrating there is difficult”, the journalist explains that in a context of political crisis, many Americans thought it was necessary and possible to move to Canada freely and rapidly to avoid Trump presidency. The fact is that it takes a long time to immigrate to Canada and the process is particularly exhausting. An immigration lawyer interviewed by the newspaper, Lee Cohen, said “Immigrating to Canada is a complex, paper-intensive, time-consuming process.” We’ll explain later why this a particularly exhausting planning to move to Canada but this is article already clearly demonstrates that moving to Canada is not just simply a matter of willingness. Contrary to what thought most Americans, you cannot decide on impulse to go to Canada. According to Lee Cohen, “This notion that somebody can just decide to move to Canada and live here is misdirected. ». *Another article from Radio Canada International shares the same vision on the topic. Moreover, this article debunks the idea Canada does accept anyone willing to integrate. As journalist for Radio Canada International Levon Sevunts explains in his article “No asylum for Trump ‘refugees’”, America will not accept all Americans just because they fear Trump presidency. According to him, « one immigration option that would likely be completely closed to Americans in the foreseeable future is Canada’s refugee system ».

So we thought this current event totally embodies the misrepresentation we, people around the world, have built around the idea “moving to Canada”. Therefrom we wondered what was true about moving to Canada and what was wrong about it. What are the reality and the myth about Canadian immigration process?

First, let’s begin with the reality…  


*Canada is a real opportunity for migrants. Immigration policies are “favorable” for migrants. Indeed, the country is ready to welcome a lot of migrants, according to the article of The Guardian “Canada to let 300,000 immigrants enter country in 2017 “ which is enormous and reflects the desire of Canada to make easier the access for migrants. Moreover, in the article, it is said that Canada considers that “migrants would be a good policy for demographic reason”.  So there are many opportunities for migrants in Canada. They can have a job without obstacles, Canada is prepared to help them to build their new life. According to the article of the Canadian immigration, companies need migrants to work for them and the government said that “immigration plays a major game in Canada competitivity”. Immigration is good look and supported by the government so it’s easy to migrant to immigrate.

               We can also see that the system which let migrants enter in the Canadian territory has changed. According to the article of the Canadian Business, the government “announced major changes to Express entry, the system which most immigrants obtain permanent residence here”. In fact, it will be more easier for migrants to come in Canada because as the article said it, previously, even if applicants obtained the necessary points and a LMIA (document which allows the migrant to work) they were not sure to have permanent residence. So a change is going to be made to help more migrants. It is more and more easier to immigrate to Canada

               Moreover, many students see Canada as a dream and policies are made to make easier to the students to come to study in Canada and to stay to live there. *In fact, according to the article of the Canadian Business, “Canada is among the top study destinations for students”. And it’s the same conclusion for MBA student. Students come from all around the world and there is no discrimination. And, Paul Davidson, president of universities Canada says that “economic benefits of hosting international students are huge”. Students migrants are waited and very well welcomed. Students have also advantages : they can get an automatic 3 years work after 2years of study. In the article, Tim Days a director of Canadian federation of business school deans says “Canada visa requirements are much flexible than other countries”. Universities want to attract international student including migrants.


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