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English presentation about terrorism

Dissertation : English presentation about terrorism. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  10 Mars 2019  •  Dissertation  •  512 Mots (3 Pages)  •  886 Vues

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English presentation :

Terrorism can be defined by the unofficial or unauthorized use of violence and intimidation in the pursuit of political aims. It seems that nowadays, it is a recent model of violence in our society. Since the 2001 attacks, the terrorism has religious aims. Their ideology dimension is to fight the values of Republic.

What is the terrorism today ?

Firstly, we will speak about their claims and their method of indoctrination. Then, we will approach the reasons of terrorism nowadays. And finally, we will talk about the solutions to fight terrorism.

There were two big group of religious terrorism these last years : “Al-Qaeda” and “Islamic State of Iraq and Syria” (ISIS). Al-Qaeda is today less active since the death of his leader Osama Ben Laden, during the intervention of United States of America. ISIS was linked to Al-Qaeda by 2006, and is now in the heart of the debate with the last attacks in Paris.

ISIS claims to build a religious State based on the Sharia law. They don't accept the others way of thinking, because they are a fanatic group.

To create their army, they use indoctrination in their territory, but also beyond. In Western countries, the indoctrination is done through jail, illegal mosque, and internet and socials networks. The use of new technologies to extend their scope is a modern method.

There are different reasons which explain this phenomenon. First, the poverty and the unemployment which admittedly has ever existed, but is accentuated by the globalization. Also, the non-schooling of children who has an impact on their capacity of thinking by themselves, they are more suggestible. The disparity of development dig the inequalities between countries and spreads to the next generations, what causes a feeling of humiliation and a permed aggressiveness which finally provokes hopelessness and lose of reasons to live. An important reason is also the disintegration of values, meaning that in the world, the globalisation has mixed culture, and people need something to relate. So, some of them relates to fanaticism in religion.

We are today searching solutions to fight this type of terrorism. First, a system of surveillance can be established. But it causes disadvantages like a reduction of individual freedom, so this point make polemic. The behaviour of terrorists can be reduced by education which learn to the children to think by themselves and ethos. Then, some people can help individually by doing prevention on the people who shall be subject of indoctrination, like the parents of victims, or even the parents of terrorists. But all of these propositions couldn't stop some of attacks like those of Paris.

To conclude, we can say that terrorists today use different ways to extend their power in the world and reach their goal. The actual context in the world accentuate this terrorism phenomenon today, and the misery results to violence. But the States search solutions to eradicate terrorism. After the recent attacks in Paris, the risk of degeneration seems to be very high. So, the different countries which are concerned try to be united against this threat, and are developing new solutions of defence.


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