English : Presentation - The Pearl, John Steinbeck
Analyse sectorielle : English : Presentation - The Pearl, John Steinbeck. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar laramartins • 1 Mai 2017 • Analyse sectorielle • 1 604 Mots (7 Pages) • 1 112 Vues
English : Presentation - The Pearl, John Steinbeck
Good morning everybody, today we’re going to present you an extract from the book the Pearl, who was written by John Steinbeck. Our extract goes from page 43 to 48.
I’ll start by giving you guys a little situation
In the last extract we learnt that someone came into the brush house and aggressed Kino. After the aggression, Kino and Juana disagreed about what they should do with the pearl. Finally, Kino decided to sell it.
Everyone in La Paz, knows that Kino’s going to sell the pearl.
The pearl buyers are all colluding with each other and are very excited about Kino’s great pearl.
Even the fishermen leave their works to witness the selling.
All of the neighbourhood gives their opinions on the pearl and hope that it won’t destroy Kino and Juana.
Before leaving to sell the pearl, Juan Tomás cautions Kino about the pearl buyers.
He also reminds Kino of how their ancestors thought of a way to outwit the pearl buyers, by sending an agent to the capital to sell their pearls, but this agent ran off with the pearls.
Kino points out that according to the church, such a system like this must fail, as it represents a vain effort from the pearlers to exceed their station in life.
to outwit : déjouer, tromper
to exceed : dépasser
vain : vaniteux, prétentieux
We noticed that the extract can be divided in 6 parts so here there are
1. Goes from (p.43 l.1 to l.12 )
Called it “The Town”
Interesting because like Chapter 3, Chapter 4 opens with a comment by the narrator about the town—“It is wonderful the way a little town keeps track of itself and of all its units.”
The narrator says that a regular pattern has developed in the town, and whenever one person disturbs this pattern, everyone hears about it. That’s why Kino by finding such a treasure, disturbs the natural flow of the town. He becomes, therefore, the subject of attention throughout the town.
2. Goes from (p.43 l.13 to p.45 l. 4)
Named it “The excitement over the pearl“
Repetition of the word “excitement” p. 44 l. 7-15-16
With the words “joy” and l.17 and “best” and “happiest” l. 23
All the town is excited about the selling, (the pearl buyers, the fishermen, etc)
3. Goes from (p.45 l.5 to l. 22)
Called it “Neighbour’s opinion about the pearl“
All the neighbors talk about the pearl and what they would do if they’d found it. Most of them fantasize about religious deeds and donations. They hope that the pearl won’t bring bad luck to Kino and his family.
deeds : action/bonne action
4. Goes from (p.45 l.23 to p.47 l.3)
Named it “The family’s preparation”
The family gets ready to face what they expect to be a very important day.
Juana even puts on her wedding clothes.
5. Goes from p.47 l.4 to p.48 l.17
Gave it the title “Juan Tomás’ warning”
Walking next to his brother Juan Tomas, advises Kino to be careful and that the dealers might cheat on him. He also reminds him about what happened to their ancestors.
6. Goes from p.48 l.18 to l.33
Named it ”the process through the town”
3 repetitions of the word “procession” p.48 l.18 + l.33
All of the town follow Kino through the streets and it’s interesting because it is similar to when Kino went to the doctor to cure his baby.
Kino :
He is proud and confident about the pearl selling, we can see that with the words “aggressiveness” “seriousness” and “vigor” on p. 46- l.29
He is also hopeful. P. 46 l.4 “this was his last day of raggedness” He hopes that after this day, he’ll have a better future.
He is a believer. We can see that when he talks about the Father and God p. 48 l.1-3 “The Father made it clear that each man or woman is like a soldier sent by God to guard some parts of the castle of the Universe”
Finally he is determined and prepared to face the pearl buyers. “He had learned only one defense” p.48 l.14 “Nothing could break down this wall” l.17
Pearl buyers :
Unnamed in the story
They are all operating