Presentation about Game of Thrones
Dissertation : Presentation about Game of Thrones. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar blaackos • 16 Avril 2018 • Dissertation • 326 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 707 Vues
Games Of Thrones
Today, I will tell you about the series Games Of Thrones.
I. The Story
Games Of Thrones is a series created by David Benioff, D. B. Weiss and George R. R. Martin.
It is a series of americaine composed of 7 seasons with 10 episodes per season except for the last that contains 7 episodes.
The story of the series, located on the fictitious continents of Westeros and Essos at the end of a summer of ten years, intertwines several intrigues. The first plot follows the history of the members of several noble families, in a civil war to conquer the Iron Throne of the Kingdom of the Seven Crowns.
The second plot covers the story of Jon Snow and the growing threat of winter approaching, mythical and legendary creatures from the North Westeros Wall. The third tells the story of Daenerys Targaryen in the south of Essos, the last exiled representative of the fallen dynasty in order to take over the Iron Throne.
II. Synopsis
On the continent of Westeros, King Robert Baratheon has ruled the Kingdom of the Seven Crowns for more than seventeen years, following his rebellion against the "crazy king" Aerys II Targaryen. Jon Arryn, husband of Lady Catelyn Stark's sister, Lady Arryn, his guide and principal counselor, has just passed away, and the king then leaves in the north of the kingdom to ask his old friend Eddard "Ned" Stark to replace their regretted mentor at the King's Main post. Ned, lord overlooking the north since Winterfell and Stark's house, is unwilling to leave his lands. But he accepts reluctantly to leave for the capital Port-Real with his two daughters, Sansa and Arya. Just before their departure for the south, Bran, one of Eddard's young sons, is pushed from one of Winterfell's towers after witnessing the incestuous liaison between Queen Cersei Baratheon and his twin brother Jaime Lannister . Their brother, Tyrion Lannister, nicknamed "the gnome", is then accused of the crime by Lady Catelyn Stark.