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Presentation about Paris

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Par   •  14 Novembre 2018  •  TD  •  374 Mots (2 Pages)  •  583 Vues

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 Diapo anglais

Presentation : Paris is the capital of France. Its inhabitants are called Parisians. Paris is also the capital of the Île-de-France region and the only French municipality which is at the same time a department. his mayor is  Anne Hidalgo.

Population density : Paris is the most populated city in France, and the 29th most populated in the world.Paris has 2.21 million inhabitants as of January 1, 2015. It has more than 20 934 inhabitants / km2.

Air pollution : The pollution index in Paris is in red zone that means that pollution is critical in Paris. the causes of pollution is because of the large population of paris. it's also because of cars. In the champs élisé, there is more stopper from midnight.

Green area : Many parks, gardens and green spaces brighten up Paris‘ 18th arrondissement. These many colorful escapes from the hustle and bustle make great picnic spots, romantic promenades, play areas, or simply a place to sit and recharge. Parks, often called jardins or squares represent a space for conviviality and exchange. For exemple a jardins rosa Luxembourg. hese modern gardens stretch across NINE MILLIONS square meters, both indoor and outdoor.

Crime rates : Violent crime is relatively uncommon; however, street crime is a concern, most notably in areas frequented by tourists. Consular officials throughout France report that U.S. citizens are frequently pick-pocketed, robbed, or victimized in a variety of scams. il a aussi un terrorisme. Les autorités françaises et américaines sont préoccupées par le fait que des citoyens européens se rendent en Syrie pour faire le djihad, puis retournent en France pour commettre des actes terroristes, ainsi que des individus radicalisés en France.

Life expectancy : paris has a life expectancy for men of 79.9 years, for women of 85.4 years. in total, paris has a life span of 82.4 years and ranks in the top 9 of the world.

Education level : Higher education in paris represents an exceptional training offer. Paris has the most prestigious schools in France. she has more than 654 thousand students.

Leisure and culture : Paris is known around the world for its Paris Saint Germain soccer team which has been its league champion since 2014. Paris is also known for its traditional food like cheese or mushroom.


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