Scénario en anglais
Cours : Scénario en anglais. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar antonin hardy • 14 Janvier 2017 • Cours • 320 Mots (2 Pages) • 677 Vues
Shocking phone call
After the school Antonin, the brother of Juliette goes back his home. He receives a call of Juliette, with the last phone, offered by his father.
Antonin : What do you want ?
Juliette (terrified) : Do you saw ?
Antonin : Saw what ?
Juliette: In the newspaper?
Antonin : No, what. explain ! (He understand that something serious is passed)
Juliette : Dad … dad is not a successful businessman … is a godfather !
Antonin (shocked) : What ? Isn’t possible. It’s a joke ?! Dad is not a godfather !
Juliette : No, I swear you, he is in all the newspaper ! It’s roughly written everywhere !
Antonin (try to calm her sister became mad with worry) : No, no, no is not possible, there should be a problem, dad get up every morning for to go in his big companie. Da dis a good man. He takes care of employees he not takes care to a mafia ! I’m sure is not real, the newspaper make a mistake, the Tv channel make a mistake, the world make a mistake !
Juliette : I know, I’m even more terrified and shocked that but it’s the reality. All the newspaper and Tv channels speack only about that. They can’t quite make a mistake. It’s reallt Antonin, da dis not the man that we know. Mom send to me a message for tell me that, she had also learnt the prece of news. She go a police station and she wants that we go to grand mother because you don’t to go back our home.
Antonin : Oh my god ! Mom knew ? That is he going to arrive at her ? How are we going to live ?
Juliette : I don’t know but joined me at Grandma quickly !
Antonin : Ok, I arrive as soon as possible !
Antonin hangs up the phone and will join her sister for more explanations.