Myths et heroes: Emma Watson
Dissertation : Myths et heroes: Emma Watson. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Lisa Roger • 15 Avril 2017 • Dissertation • 1 051 Mots (5 Pages) • 3 181 Vues
I am going to talk about the notion of myths and heroes. First of all, I’d like to give a definition of this notion. A myth can be defined as a story about gods or heroes, it can be a popular belief or a tradition or a false notion. A hero can be a mythological figure, a person who is admired for his or her achievements, a superhero or maybe a role model or an icon. In what ways a celebrity can be considered as a hero? My oral presentation will be divided into two parts. First, I will talk about differences and similarities between heroes and celebrities. Then, I am going to explain role of Emma Watson in our society.
Celebrities are well-known people by the society. Often, they are known for their artistic abilities or sporting prowess, beauty and talent. Some people are considered as celebrities because of their wealthy, such as Hilton or Kennedys. Heroes are people who help each other in need. They are admired for their actions and qualities, honor and character. They grow through suffering and we respect them for it. Heroes don’t look for status, recognition or payment whereas celebrities look for the cameras and lucrative compensation. Although heroes and celebrities have two different definitions, there are similarities between both of them. Some celebrities have fulfilled heroic act using their richness and fame, such as Angelina Jolie or Emma Watson. Those celebrities have used their richness and fame to improve the lives of others. Heroes are doing the same thing, such as Anne Franck or Martin Luther King. Some heroes become celebrities and some celebrities can be heroic. But in general, both words mean different things and refer to two different kinds of people.
I have chosen to focus on Emma Watson, who is known as a celebrity but can also be considered as a hero. Emma Waston started her actress career very young, as Hermione Granger in the saga Harry Potter. She continued her career by playing in a bunch of other blockbusters. She grew up as a very talented star of the big screen. And, nowadays, she uses her fame genders, at work. She’s also fighting for education girls in poor countries. She made remarkable speeches in the name of equalities, on the same level. Malala Yousafzai herself (the youngest Nobel Prize recipient) told that Emma Watson was the main cause of her feminist involvement. She is a role model for a lot of women/girls in the world, she is sensitive to other people’s problem in the world and she uses her star’s influence to deliver important messages. To me, Emma Watson is admirated for her actress career because she has a talent and she earns money for it. She can also be considered as a hero because she wanted to change women’s life and to restore equalities for all.