Notion myths & heroes
Commentaire d'oeuvre : Notion myths & heroes. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar Gaius15 • 19 Mai 2019 • Commentaire d'oeuvre • 673 Mots (3 Pages) • 742 Vues
I am going to deal with the notion Myths and Heroes. To start with, I would like to give a definition of the notion. A myth is a popular belief on which social values are often based. While a hero could be someone who is ready to sacrifices his or her life in order to make things evolved positively. In relation to the notion, the subject of my presentation will be the place of heroes in the world.
We may wonder to what extent this theme illustrates the notion of Myths and Heroes. In order to link the notion with my theme, I am going to answer this question : In which way being a hero could be harmful ?
I am going to use two documents : The first one is Gandhi, a film that we have seen in class; the film-maker is Richard Attenborough and it retraces the course of Gandhi’s life. It was released in 1982. Then, the second document is the first Spider-Man Trilogy. The first film released in 2002. It recounts the story of a teenager who has developed super powers following the bite of a genetically modified Spider. Sam Raimi, the producer, wanted to show that becoming a super hero isn’t as easy as it’s claimed, and like has said Ben Parker, Spider-Man’s uncle : « With great power comes great responsibility ».
Firstly, we will see what are the norms for being a hero. In a second time, we will see what are the society’s expectations about heroes. Then, in a third part, I will give you my opinion.
To begin with, a hero has to make some sacrifices. He must make the lives of others a priority. He has to sacrifice oneself to the spite of others.
Furthermore, a hero has to be determined. Indeed, he need to have a goal that he wants to achieve. For example, Spider-Man wants to stop or even slow down the crime and Gandhi wanted to make the world a haven of peace.
Also, a great hero has to be loyal. He has to be faithful to himself and maintain his convictions. Spider-Man didn’t abandon while that the Green Goblin, the antagonist, wanted to kill him. Gandhi, despite the opposite, has always remained faithful to his ideals.
Moreover, a hero has to have courage. He have to meet the danger without fear. For example, Spider-Man jump into a fire to save a young girl and Gandhi did a fasting in order to stop the violence.
Finally, the greatest hero must have perseverance, a persistant determination. Gandhi continues his course even if the justice was against him. Indeed, he did a march on Salt Works. And Spider-Man, despite the fact that his enemy was his best friend’s father, he follows the right thing to do.
Like has Peter Parker (Spider-Man) said in the third film : « It’s the choices that make us who we are, and we can always chose to do what. »
Once you became a hero and people are sticking you this label, you no longer have the right to disappoint them. Indeed, you don’t have anymore the right of fail. You must be attentive, always propose a solution, and to finish with, societies want you to make the world a better place to live. On the other hand, if you fail, you’re the only responsable. Gandhi was assassinated because of the partition of India and Spider-Man has been criticized by the media, they said that he was a criminal.