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Medical progress

Fiche : Medical progress. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  29 Mars 2017  •  Fiche  •  466 Mots (2 Pages)  •  824 Vues

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Yesterday again, doctors were « loosing » patients, because of a ressources and knowledge’s deficit but now, with all the medicine progresses, we can see that death and life are taken different path and there are moving away from each other.

  1. medical discovery and set up

  1. Vaccines

Today, there is 56 vaccines Which make it possible to struggle against 28 diseases. Vaccines is a method, which consisted to inject viruses or Bacterias Harmless into our organism to Protect it against these pathogens’s future attacks. However, some people and scientists anti-vaccination think that injected virus or bacterias in the human body can increase the risk of certain diseases like autism. but this was "the most damaging medical hoax of the last 100 years »

  1. Organ transplants

Organ transplantation is medical procedure, which consist to take an organ from a dead person or a donor and to put it in an other person who was sick or who was missing an organ. Whatever, the problem today about organ transplantation is to find a compatible donor.

  1. struggles against aids and cancer
  • More than 20 years ago, the aids virus was identify by a french team. Many researches today are made to product a  therapeutic vaccine , witch goal is not to protect against the infection but to fight against the virus HIV-positive. This can delay the onset of symptoms characteristic of the disease or limit the use of antiretrovirals ... But today, no patient was able to eliminate the virus after being infected.

  • Cancer is a serious disease, which consists in the proliferation of abnormal cells in the organism. Research on cancers has evolved considerably in recent years, and this progress is accelerating. The overriding goal is to cure the disease or prolong the lifespan and improving patient’s life’s quality.
  1. plastic surgery

Plastic surgery is defined as surgery of the skin and soft tissues, non-visceral. The plastic surgeon is a surgeon who is therefore qualified in both cosmetic surgery and repair surgery.

  1. in-vitro fertilization

In vitro fertilization or IVF is a laboratory technique used to fertilize an egg with a spermatozoa outside the uterus. It makes it possible to overcome some difficulties to conceive.

  1. the 3D printer at medicine’s service

3D Printing is a technology with a great potential for medicine, which permits to modeling prostheses or orthotics and even functional organ thanks to bio printing.

  1. medical progress impact on society,,1952692,00.html

A clear demographic explosion ensues, we can now live more and longer. All the Medical advances have important demographic implications but it doesn’t touch the whole world with the same magnitude especially in low-quality life countries like in Africa.


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