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SEOUL, global city

Cours : SEOUL, global city. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertations

Par   •  13 Mai 2018  •  Cours  •  844 Mots (4 Pages)  •  600 Vues

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Introduction :

Seoul is the capital of the South Korea, a country situated in Asia and with almost 51 millions of habitants. As for her, 10 million people live within the city and 24 million in Seoul’s wider metropolitan.

I-The buiness activity

A) Center of activities

Today, Seoul is considered a leading and rising global city, resulting from an economic boom called the Miracle on the Han River, which transformed it to the world's 4th largest metropolitan economy with a GDP of US$845.9 billion in 2014 after Tokyo, New York City and Los Angeles. International visitors generally reach Seoul via AREX from the Incheon International Airport, notable for having been rated the best airport for nine consecutive years (2005–2013) by the Airports Council International. In 2015, it was rated Asia's most livable city with the second highest quality of life globally by Arcadis, with the GDP per capita (PPP) in Seoul being $39,786. Inhabitants of Seoul are faced with a high cost of living, for which the city was ranked 6th globally in 2017.

Although it accounts for only 0.6 percent of the nation's land area, 48.3 percent of South Korea's bank deposits were held in Seoul in 2003, and the city generated 23 percent of the country's GDP overall in 2012.In 2008 the Worldwide Centers of Commerce Index ranked Seoul No.9. The Global Financial Centres Index in 2015 listed Seoul as the 6th financially most competitive city in the world. The Economist Intelligence Unit ranked Seoul 15th in the list of "Overall 2025 City Competitiveness" regarding future competitiveness of cities.

Moreover Seoul possesses 3 centers of businesses, the historical economic center, Tehran Avenue and Yeoui island.

B) Headquarters of many transnational firms

With major technology hubs centered in Gangnam and Digital Media City, the Seoul Capital Area is home to the headquarters of 15(Fortune Global 500) companies, including Samsung, LG, and Hyundai-Kia.

II- The human capital

A) Prestigious universities

Seoul is home to the majority of South Korea's most prestigious universities, including Seoul National University, Sungkyunkwan University, Korea University, Yonsei University, Hanyang University, Sogang University, Hankuk University of Foreign Studies, Kyung Hee University, Chung-Ang University, Ewha Womans University, Korea Military Academy, and the University of Seoul.

South Korea is recognized for its quality education and technology industries. To develop, South Korea has invested heavily in research and education. Seoul is also the 10th best student city in the world according to Q

Moreover the city the city welcomed the world knowledge forum in 2016

III-The information exchange

A) A difficult situation

The press was soumise during long time to a authoritarian regime, a conservative regim which controlled press and filtered


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