Global city
TD : Global city. Recherche parmi 301 000+ dissertationsPar gouttedo • 12 Mars 2017 • TD • 499 Mots (2 Pages) • 1 015 Vues
I studied this year the notion of spaces and exchanges. The subject that I am going to treat is the global cities. We studied in particular one example of global cities. To begin with, I’d like to give a definition of global cities The global city is a very big, large city with several millions of people and vast, huge suburbs. It's a mega city where several people commute and exchange, it's also a multicultural city where different people live together. The city can regroup several powers like economic, policy, cultural ....
In class we studied one global city. We worked of global city of London during the 19th century.
So what impact do global cities have on people’s everyday lives?
My presentation will fall into to parts
To answer this question, i'm going to talk about one exmple of global cities we have studied this year. On the other hand London we talk about positive evolving aspect on people’s everyday lives of global city.
To start iam going to talk about the citie of London in the nineteen century.
We worked with an article in from OECD Observer and was writtetn in March 2008. The text describe te city of London and the evolving.
London on 1950 they are 83 cities with over a million peopl by 2000 there were over 400. Besides 10 megacities of over 10 million are legion.
Yet The narrator show on the first hand the contracted cities, they are adavantages as the lower energy, consumption water. And on the other hand disadventages for examples pollution, traffic congestion and ill health. Moreover urban sprawl have just disavandages as increase pétrol comsumption and longhtens journey time.
Positive evolving aspect on people’s everyday lives of Global city :
So we can say that in the past global cities like London was affected by the pollution and the smog due to the chimney pots people was busy and irritable of this urban pollution. But today London became a greener cities thank's to its initiatives.
Nowadays many program are created to improve urban transpoort and it’s great. For example there’s in London road congestion charge to improve transport or in Paris the Velib’, it’s aim is to make urban living healthier and for and they are clean car in LA to make urban more environement frendly.
Howerer in London the BEDZED are created. It’s aim is to be carbon-neutrl. The means used are solar panels, south facing terraces, air chimineys and bio-energy. People moved in 2002. It’s was funded by an anti-poverty trust. This is the reason why London became a global citie.
To conclude, we can say that global cities has brought a wealth of culture,and ethnic diversity and presents advantages. However Global cities have to solve problems in terms of pollution. More and more cities polute the environment and generate global warming . However cities try to find solution to reduce their polution and carboon print to live in a better world such as the global city of London.